McMeen Elementary

Weekly Health Office News

02/07/24, 3:05 PM

Greetings McMeen,

  As we all know, there has been a significant increase in illness around the school. This is very typical for this time of year. In fact, the flu typically increases in late January and early February.
We are always reminding students of the importance of hand washing. However, we know that many habits start in the home. Please encourage your children to frequently wash hands.
  If your student has a fever, 100.4 degrees F (38 degrees C) or higher they MUST stay home until they are fever FREE (lower than 100.4 degrees F or 38 degrees C) for at LEAST 24 hours withOUT using medication to lower the fever. This includes cold medicines, Tylenol and Ibuprofen.
  Also, masks are always helpful. A few reminders about masks:
1.  The regular surgical masks are great for wearing when you are not feeling well, but do not have a fever or symptoms that warrent staying home, in order to protect
      others. We will often ask student to wear a mask when they are at school with coughing, runny noses, etc.
2. If you're not ill and you're trying to avoid getting sick, the best mask is truly the Kn95s.
Hang in there everyone and remember to wash your hands!