McMeen Elementary

100th Day of School Celebration

02/06/25, 9:56 AM

Dear McMeen Families,

We're excited to announce our 100th Day of School celebration tomorrow! We know the district announced the 100th day was last week, but one of the many amazing things about McMeen is we get to do ours a few days later due to the extra planning days in our calendar. We do, however, apologize for the short notice.
🎉 100th Day Dress-Up Challenge 🎉
We encourage students to participate in one of these dress-up options:
  • Dress as if you're 100 years old
  • Wear an outfit with 100 items attached
  • Any other creative 100 themed idea they can come up with
This is completely optional, but we think it'll be a blast! Don't worry if you can't participate – we'll have plenty of in-class activities to celebrate this milestone.

Thank you for your understanding about the late notice. We can't wait to see all the creative outfits tomorrow!


Principal Resident

Lauren Bartsch