Message from the Principal Resident - Quarter 2 Report
01/07/25, 10:50 AM
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Dear McMeen Families,
I hope you all had a restful winter break! As we get settled back at school, I wanted to share a summary of our students' progress during the second quarter of the school year.
Our 3rd, 4th and 5th graders are about 1/3 of the way towards our literacy and math goals for the school year! Additionally, our Multilingual Learner students have been growing their English skills. Their English proficiency assessments showed that over half of these students are already independently meeting our English language goals.
I'm energized by the progress our Mustangs have made, and I'm excited to see how far they will come by the end of the school year! The McMeen team will continue to support our students in working towards our academic goals. We ask that you support your student as well by making sure they are at school on time every day! Regular attendance is a huge factor in academic success.
At McMeen, our current attendance rate is 89% -- which is pretty great! However, out of the students who do miss class, 42% are chronically absent, which means they have missed 10% or more of the school year. Research shows that chronically absent students have lower test scores, are twice as likely to fail one or more classes, and struggle more with managing emotions and relationships.
The good news: if your student is chronically absent, it's not too late to make a change! Research also shows that students who improve their attendance often begin to perform better academically.
Help our Mustangs succeed by making sure they are here every day to learn! And be sure to check out the below report (also attached as a pdf) for more details on our progress towards our academic goals:
![]() Warmly, |
Attachment: 17362711413685_24-25_Q2_Report.pdf