McMeen Elementary

McMeen Family Newsletter - January 10, 2025

01/10/25, 3:29 PM

Upcoming Happenings

Saturday, Jan. 11

📝 Immigration Informational Meeting: 9-11 a.m.

Monday, Jan. 13

💡1st and 2nd Grade ACCESS Testing (more information below)

Tuesday, Jan. 14

💡1st and 2nd Grade ACCESS Testing (more information below)

Wednesday, Jan. 15


💡1st and 2nd Grade ACCESS Testing (more information below)


Thursday, Jan. 16


❄️ WinterFest: 5-7 p.m. Details | Volunteer


💡4th and 5th Grade ACCESS Testing (more information below)


Friday, Jan. 10


💡4th and 5th Grade ACCESS Testing (more information below)


Upcoming Events

Here is the McMeen Calendar for the 2024-2025 School Year

You can subscribe to the McMeen Google Calendar so all events are automatically added to your calendar!



January 20: NO SCHOOL (MLK Day)

January 21: McMeen Eats @ La Fogata

January 29: Family Engagement Night (Collaborative School Committee and Parent Teacher Organization)



February 1: Black History Month Begins

February 3-7: National School Counselor Week

February 12: Family Movie Night

February 13: NO SCHOOL (McMeen Planning Day)

February 14: NO SCHOOL (Teacher Planning Day)

February 17: NO SCHOOL (President's Day)


❄️ Help Needed for Winter Festival

Winter Festival is next Thursday, Jan. 16 from 5-7 p.m. Please consider donating to the raffle or volunteering to work a shift


🌼 Spring Enrichment Registration Opens Jan. 16

After-school enrichment activities will be offered at McMeen this spring. Registration opens at 6 a.m. on Jan. 16 and closes at 10 p.m. on Jan. 28. See here to register your child and learn more.


🧠 Student Mental Health Survey

Please take 5 minutes to fill out this survey about your child's mental health strengths and needs. You will need to enter your student's ID number, which can be found in the DPS parent portal. Learn more here (and see here for Spanish).


💡 ACCESS Testing

Starting Monday, Jan. 13, Multilingual Learners in grades K-5 will participate in a state assessment called ACCESS to measure their English Language skills. Monday through Wednesday, 1st and 2nd grade will be tested. Thursday and Friday, 4th and 5th grade will be tested. Make sure your students are on time, well-rested and well-energized with a good breakfast before they test next week!


🏆 Pathways to the Seal of Biliteracy Award

The Pathways to the Seal of Biliteracy Award is given during elementary school years to encourage students to retain and develop their home language, or to study a second language; and to encourage interest in earning the DPS Seal of Biliteracy in high school. Learn more and sign you child up here. If your child is already working towards this award, you can find their January homework here.



Join Our Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)


🤚 Volunteers Needed: Volunteer at an upcoming event.

📆 Next PTO Meeting: Jan. 29 from 5-6 p.m. at McMeen (Childcare provided, translation available)