Kiss and Go expectations- REMINDER
01/08/25, 6:01 PM
Dear McMeen Families,
Our Kiss and Go system is designed to ensure a smooth, safe, and efficient drop-off process for all students. Please take a moment to review the expectations below, as the safety of our students remains our top priority:
Safety First: Students must exit vehicles on the curbside only. Please do not let students out of the car in the middle of the street, as this creates dangerous situations for everyone.
Stay in Your Vehicle: Parents should remain in their cars at all times while in the Kiss and Go lane. There is no parking in the Kiss and Go lane.
Follow Directions: Please follow the instructions of the staff outside. They are there to ensure the process runs safely and efficiently for everyone.
Pull All the Way Up: To keep traffic flowing, all cars must pull all the way up in the lane before stopping to let students out.
No Reversing: Once in the Kiss and Go lane, cars must wait their turn to exit. Reversing is not allowed and poses a serious safety risk.
Keep it Moving: The Kiss and Go lane is for quick goodbyes—kiss your child and go. If you prefer to watch your student enter the school building, we kindly ask that you park in a designated parking area on the street and walk them in.
Respect Matters: Use of foul language, gestures or rude behavior toward staff, volunteers or other parents will not be tolerated. As role models for our students, we ask that all adults interact with kindness and respect.
Contribute Positively: If you have concerns about how the Kiss and Go operates, we welcome constructive feedback or your time as a volunteer. If you cannot follow these expectations, we kindly ask that you refrain from using the Kiss and Go system.
If these expectations cannot be met consistently moving forward, we will have no choice but to restrict the Kiss and Go lane to bus use only for morning arrival. Let’s work together to keep this system running smoothly for the benefit of our students and community.
Thank you for your cooperation and commitment to safety.
McMeen admin and staff