McMeen Elementary

No-Cost Denver Health School Based Services

01/24/24, 2:48 PM

Happy Wednesday McMeen Families!

Did you know that Denver Public Schools partners with Denver Health and has multiple sites throughout the district where ALL  students that attend a DPS schools, or a DPS affiliated Early Childhood Education center within Denver County, can recieve NO COST health care? These clinics offer convenient care that limits the amount of time students are out of class and parent/guardians have to be off work. Students are able to get same 
day or next day appointments.

The clinics will provide care to any student regardless of insurance status and/or immigration status.

The closest clinic to McMeen is located at George Washington High School at 655 S. Monaco Parkway. However, there are many more clinics throughout the district. 

To schedule your student’s appointment call 303-602-8958, visit and choose “Schedule online.”

Please see the attached flyer, that has an English and Spanish version, with more information about the Denver Health School Based Clinics. 

Stay Well!

Nurse Miriam

Attachment: 17061328007281_SBHC_Flyers_2022-2023.pdf