McMeen Elementary

Principal Resident take-over

12/11/23, 6:35 PM

Dear McMeen Community,


At McMeen Elementary we are dedicated to growing the best educators and students in order to help our school and community thrive. As you know, Lauren Bartsch has been serving as a Principal Resident this year. She has done a fantastic job of taking on leadership duties and ensuring that our students, staff and community are meeting the high goals we have in place for students. In order to support her leadership journey, she will embark on a two week Acting Principal Experience starting on January 2nd and ending on January 16th.


This means that I, Principal Hinman, will be out of the building for two weeks while Ms. Bartsch, leads our school. Throughout this time, I will embark on a variety of professional development opportunities that will help me grow my practice as a leader for our school and community. Lauren and I have meticulously planned for this experience and I know that she is ready to lead our community. In addition, she will have support from various mentors throughout the district.  


I will definitely miss our students and staff but know that I am leaving them in great hands and look forward to reconnecting with our community on January 17th.




Principal Hinman