McMeen Elementary

Attendance Newsletter

10/30/23, 4:49 PM

McMeen Families,

Below is our attendance newsletter for last week's attendance data. There have been several questions about our attendance work and student illness. We want to be clear that we definitely want children to stay home when sick (fever of 100.4 or higher, vomiting at least twice within the last 24 hours, etc.). However, please do send children to school if they are generally well. If they have a cough, headache, etc. please be sure they attend.


  • Ms. Tanner and Ms. Zaragoza both had over 95% attendance this past week!

  • Kinder, 4th, and 5th Grades all saw an increase in attendance. 

  • 62% of students on our list for Attendance Success Plans (ASPs) have shown an improvement in attendance.