McMeen Elementary

McMeen Elementary Newsletter - September 15, 2023

09/15/23, 4:03 PM

Weekly Happenings

Monday, September 18


Tuesday, September 19


Wednesday, September 20

5:00-7:00 Multilingual Education District Advisory Committee Meeting (see below)

Thursday, September 21

5:00-7:00 - McMeen PTO Family Movie Night Showing Elemental

Friday, September 22

No School - Teacher Planning Day

Upcoming Events

Here is the McMeen Calendar for the 2023-2024 School Year



September 25 - No School (McMeen Planning Day)

September 27 - McMeen Eats at Pie Society



October 4 - Walk or Roll to School Day

October 5-6 - 5th Grade at Balarat

October 9 - Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) Meeting

October 10-11 - Parent/Teacher Conferences

October 12 - No School - Teacher Planning

October 13 - No School - Teacher Planning

October 16 - No School - Teacher Planning

October 17-18 - Individual Pictures

Ways to Get Involved

Parenting Partners Reunion

Join us at the Parenting Partners Reunion event on Wednesday, September 27th from 4-7pm to learn about 3 different programs we can launch at McMeen: Parenting Partners, Calm and Kind, and Family Mealtimes. This event is designed for parents to join in and build excitement for the opportunity to join in on these programs alongside school staff! There will be FOOD, PRIZES, and opportunities to connect with other schools who have used these programs. If you have YET to RSVP, please do so below. See this flier for more information and sign-up here.



Picture Day UPDATE
Picture Day is now scheduled for Oct. 17th &18th. Please ignore the dates on the picture packet.
Morning Drop Off
As a reminder, parents are expected to drop their students off on the playground and to not enter the building. We have had issues with parents trying to talk to teachers after they have entered the building in the morning, which delays the start of instruction. If you need to talk to your child's teacher, please reach out to them to schedule a time outside of instruction. We want to ensure teachers are able to maximize instructional time. 
Updates from our Counselors
Hello, Mustangs! Things at school are rocking and rolling! We are loving getting to know McMeen kids and families and are looking forward to supporting you all this year. The McMeen Counselor Corner's website has been updated with lots of resources for you to explore... give it a look if you're interested in learning more about your child's social-emotional experience or want ideas to try some calming activities at home! Check it out here: - Warmly, JFS Therapists Nicole & Abby 
Magnet Eligibility Testing Window
The Magnet Eligibility(ME) testing window is open in DPS. Please follow this link to sign your student up by 10/13.  This is a cognitive test used to identify students as Highly Gifted or ME.  The data can be used to help identify students for the GT program at McMeen or qualify students as ME and to attend ME schools within the district.  All testing will take place at McMeen with Mrs Cessar.  If you have any additional questions - please reach out to
Monthly Awards Information
We are excited to announce that soon we will begin hosting monthly assemblies to celebrate the accomplishments and growth of our students. Due to limited space, we will need to limit the number of community members who join our award assemblies.  When your student will be receiving an award, you will receive a special invitation to attend the assembly. We aim to celebrate every student at McMeen, but it may take some time before your student is recognized.   One way you can help your student earn recognition is by having them attend school every day!  

This year students will receive awards for:

  • Being at school for 95% of the days that month (we will collect attendance data from the 15th day of the prior month to the 15th of the current month) 
  • Reading Achievement on Istation (Students who are tier 1 and students who have changed a tier for the first time in the school year) 
  • Growth and effort
  • Students who exemplify the character trait of the month

If you have any questions, please contact your child’s teacher


Multilingual Education District Advisory Committee Meeting
The first Multilingual Education (MLE) District Advisory Committee (DAC) Meeting will be Wednesday, September 20th from 5:00 - 7:00 pm at Bruce Randolph High School. We encourage all parents of multilingual students to attend.This first meeting will be a Parent Academy, presented in conference style where families will get the opportunity to learn about several DPS and MLE programs, including their rights as parents of MLLs.


Parent Classes from the office of Family and Community Engagement (FACE)
FACE University is a resource and learning hub for families in the Denver Metro area. They are hosting some learning opportunities for families. You can learn more and RSVP here. Learning sessions are both virtual and in-person and translation can be provided. Here are some of their upcoming classes:
  • Parenting and Supporting LBGTQ+ Youth, Thursday, September 21st at 6:00 pm
  • Parenting Partners Reunion Event (see above), Wednesday, September 27th from 4:00 - 7:00 pm

Classroom Updates

2nd Grade -Mrs. Johns 2nd Grade Superheroes have been practicing their supper powers of respect, listening, and kindness! They are ready to show off their super powers around the school! 

Kindergarten -I am so proud of the kids in room 101 (Ms. Zaragoza's class). We received 2 new students and all of them were so quick to make them feel welcomed and show them our routines!
Estoy muy orgullosa de los niños del salón 101 (la clase de la Ms. Zaragoza). ¡Recibimos 2 nuevos estudiantes y todos fueron muy rápidos en hacerlos sentir bienvenidos y mostrarles nuestras rutinas!

4th Grade -Ms. Mullins' class is learning how to be MIGHTY MUSTANGS: Mindful, Upstander, Self-aware, Tenacious, Agency, Nurturing, and Growth mindSet. We identified potential upstander responses to tricky situations. We are learning to be self-aware by answering questions such as, "What are your top five positive qualities?" and "What ways do you feel you learn best?" We know we contribute to a positive school culture at McMeen by being Mighty Mustangs! Our class of scientists are answering the following essential question: How does the electrical system work? To answer this question, we build simple electrical systems using solar energy.

3rd Grade - 3rd Grade is wrapping up our first unit in literacy. The students learned about classic children’s stories that use rich language and introduce students to a variety of vocabulary words. In math, we are also finishing up with unit 1 on Addition and subtraction patterns. This unit will focus on patterns in addition and subtraction facts, the pattern of adding 10s, measuring, and problem solving. We are also continuing to learn and grow with each other as we continue to become a 3rd grade community! 

Student Affirmations

4th Grade, Asmaa Mohamed - She showed great leadership and teamwork when building our simple electrical systems. Everyone in her group succeeded due to Asmaa's teamwork! - Ms. Mullins

2nd Grade, Abdiaziz Igal - My goodness! Ms. April and I want to shout out this young man for being a PHENOMENAL teacher and helper this week! When I lost my voice, he took over teaching knowledge! He kept his classmates checked on the social contract, brought HIGH energy while prompting the class with follow up questions , and even lead our class celebrations with ease and excitement! He walked around and sang and danced while promoting students and created fantastic student engagement! Not only did he help me out SIGNIFICANTLY by calling on students and leading discussions, he did it with pazzaz. Watching the students respond to him with excitement and enthusiasm was an extraordinary thing to witness. Thank you, young man, for filling my shoes so fully, helping me in my time of utmost need, and giving your classmates the joy and excitement they deserve! - Ms. Johns

2nd Grade, Ayaan Mahamud - She is one of the kindest little ones I have ever met. She is quiet but loving, focused and driven, and helps anyone in need. This week I watched her experience someone being unkind, but was the first one to offer that friend help with math when they needed it. She is the living embodiment of grace, compassion, and understanding. She views the world in a truly spectacular way and welcomes all with open arms, a positive attitude, and forgiveness. I’m so proud of you, sweet one. - Ms. Johns

ECE, Maliyah Combs - Maliyah is always excited to share what she learns in the classroom as well as help her friends out when they need it. Good job Maliyah, keep up the good work. - Mr. Hughes

5th Grade, Sora Slaughter - He did an amazing job in math class!  He is really showing me his skills through playing computation games and it's great to see! - Ms. Good

3rd Grade, Bettye, Naomi, Anelaya - Bettye Henderson, Naomi Dawson, and Anelaya Jones took a lot of initiative when they asked if they could help clean up the cafeteria.  They noticed that there was a big mess left after the other students left for recess.  Instead of going out to play, they wiped down tables, picked up trash, and put lunch boxes away.  I was so impressed with their kindness!  They really helped ensure that the next group of students had a clean place to sit. Additionally, to my surprise, these three have now taken it upon themselves to help clean up the cafeteria EVERYDAY.  Wow!  Thank you for being considerate, helpful, and amazing role models.  I appreciate you! - Ms. Hammond
ECE, Mateo Sanchez Soldner - Mateo ha demostrado progreso en adaptarse a nuestra escuela y salón de clase.
¡El viene listo para participar, expresar sus ideas, aprender y jugar! Mateo es tambien un niño muy amable y observador que se preocupa y ayuda a sus compañeros de clase. ¡Sigue así Mateo! ¡Nos sentimos felices y orgullosas de ti! 

Mateo has shown progress in adapting to our school and classroom. He comes ready to participate, express his ideas, learn and play! . Mateo is also a very kind and  observant child that cares and helps his classmates.  Keep up the good work Mateo! We feel happy and proud of you ! - Ms. Rivera

3rd Grade, Jaelyn Cole - Shout out to Jaelyn. Jaelyn is such a great student. She is always following directions and working hard in all her subjects, Participation and attention are awesome. She helps her partners with their assignments or activities; focusing mainly on explaining them and making them think about the best solution to any problem. She is also supporting my classroom in different ways;  computers, books, etc. - Mr. Barrera

3rd Grade, Ezekiel Beyer - I am shouting out Ezekiel because he always comes in with a happy and positive attitude! This week he has been very outstanding in following his classroom expectations, and is always be respectful. - Mr. Barrera

3rd Grade, Thea Unger - Thea is an example of empathy, colaboration and respect, she is always ready to support new classmates to adjust to rutines by being a translator, a helper and even a teacher. - Ms. Espitia

4th Grade, Asmaa Mohamed - Asmaa was extremely helpful when Nurse Miriam needed to gather some important information for another student's healthcare needs. - Nurse Miriam

4th Grade, Sofia Nunez - This student is always working hard in class and tries to help their classmates all time. - Mr. Romero

4th Grade, Ivan Hoyo - This student tries to do his best all the time even when things are difficult for him. - Mr. Romero

3rd Grade, Layla Brown - Layla, you are a awesome, thank you for your empathy and consideration with the new students, keep shining. - Ms. Espitia

News from McMeen PTO

Sign up for the PTO Newsletter and Updates by clicking on groups at the bottom of the ReachWell app and selecting PTO. Doing so will let you receive the information in your preferred language.

Join our Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)

PTO is always looking for more members and involvement from families. Reach out to them at to learn more. Also, be sure to check the PTO portion of the weekly newsletter below to stay up-to-date on their activities. You can also sign-up to receive information directly through the PTO in ReachWell. Simply click on the groups icon at the bottom (it looks like 3 people), select "Update Groups" and select "PTO Communication" and "Update."

Next Meeting - Monday, October 9th at 6pm via ZOOM


Come join the McMeen PTO! We are dedicated to creating community and helping to make the McMeen experience even better. We need you! We are currently looking for a Vice President, Treasurer, and someone for Marketing/Communications. If you are interested in getting involved, please contact

Sign-Up to Volunteer: 

2023-2024 Board Please welcome our new board members of 2023-2024!!

  • Ben Warren, Co-President
  • Erica Helfrich, Co-President
  • Katie Lockley, Secretary
  • Justin & Kelly Jayne, Vice President
  • Keith Dickinson, Treasurer
  • Kari Mattes-Ritz, Social Media Coordinator

Meetings for School Year 2023-2024

  • October 9th
  • November 13th
  • December 11th
  • January 8th
  • February 12th
  • March 11th
  • April 8th
  • May 13th

King Soopers

Support McMeen every time you shop at King Soopers! This is a great fundraiser for McMeen! Our goal this school year, is to have 50% of families sign up to help raise funds. Please send PTO an email of a screenshot of signup along with student name and teacher name. Thank you.

Linking your card is easy! Learn more at the King Soopers Community Rewards website. Login, go to My Account, Community Rewards, choose McMeen Elementary PTO, Organization Number: RQ231. You can also contact someone from PTO to assist with signup. Be sure to have your family members also link their cards to McMeen!

Join us on social media and follow us!


Facebook : 

Instagram: @realstudentsofmcmeen

McMeen Elementary School

1000 S Holly St Denver, CO 80246 720-424-5520` FAX 720-423-5547