McMeen Elementary

Normal schedule of operations

08/23/23, 4:51 PM

Dear McMeen Community,

Thank you for your understanding with our early release heat days yesterday and today.  Tomorrow and Friday August 24th & 25th we will return to our normal schedule of operations with school ending at 2:40pm.  Discovery Link will operate as normal as well.

Please keep in mind that buildings hold heat in different ways. McMeen was able to have some reprieve with the cloud coverage this afternoon which helped with the internal temperature of classrooms.  I do anticipate that classrooms will be somewhat warm tomorrow so please make sure your student has a water bottle to stay hydrated. It is important that we get back to the our school routines so systems of success can be in place for instruction. 

Please let me know if you have any questions.  More information about how McMeen is mitigating the heat will be in Friday's Parent Newsletter.


Principal Hinman