McMeen Elementary

Weekly Message from Nurse Miriam

05/17/23, 2:12 PM

Good Afternoon McMeen Families,  

  Denver Public Schools is inviting students to be part of the discussion regarding the Long-Term Safety Plan. I (Nurse Miriam) believe student voices are imperative in creating the best safety plan possible, and I believe students of all ages should be heard. Please see the attached flier and information below on how students can call in. Please know that the town hall is set up with a moderator that will limit the speaker's time to talk and that the district is only taking comments at this time, not questions. If your student wants to call in, I advise helping them with the phone process.  Let's make sure our district hears ALL student voices!


The district is hosting its final of four public town halls to gather feedback on the Long-Term Safety Plan today, May 17 from 6-7 p.m. In partnership with Student Voice and Leadership student leaders, we would like to ensure students are major participants in this town hall.  Students will be able to call into the town hall directly via the phone number below. 
Students, we need your voice to improve DPS' Long-Term Operational Safety Plan! The district is hosting a telephone town hall today, May 17 from 6-7 p.m. and we want you to join us to share your voice. Call 855-962-1494 to listen in and share your perspective on school safety, mental health and wellbeing, and much more.

Attachment: 16843542293822_Student_Townhall_-_Safety_Plan_Flier.pdf