McMeen Elementary

Weekly Message from McMeen Nurse

03/15/23, 3:18 PM

Good Afternoon McMeen Families!

There has been an increase in diarrhea illness in the Children's Hospital Bug Watch weekly publication. DPS Facilities and Food Services have been notified. Facilities will make sure to review protocols and also make sure they have adequate disinfectants in stock at schools. Food Services staff is asked to stay home if ill. 
Please consider to frequently remind your children to frequently wash their hands at school, especially after using the bathroom and before eating.

Please refer to the following information from the How Sick Is Too Sick? document from the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment.
Frequent, loose, or watery
stools (poop) compared to
normal ones that are not
caused by food or medicine.

Exclusion from school? Yes – Unless the diarrhea is related to an existing chronic condition, is explained
by a diagnosed condition not requiring the person to stay home, or is consistent
with the person's baseline.
The child or staff member may return to school or child care 24 hours after their
last episode of diarrhea unless the diarrhea is caused by an illness that requires
them to stay home longer. If the diarrhea is explained by a specific illness, then
the child or staff can return to school or child care following exclusion guidelines
for that illness.
Vomiting/Throwing Up 
Exclusion from school? Yes – Unless the vomiting is related to an existing chronic condition or is
explained by a diagnosed condition not requiring the person to stay home. If the
vomiting is unexplained and inconsistent with the person’s baseline state of
health, the child or staff member may return 24 hours after their last episode of
vomiting. If the vomiting can be explained by a specific illness, then follow the
exclusion guidelines for that illness.
If a child with a recent head injury vomits, seek medical attention.
Please don't hesitate to contact me with any questions, concerns or comments!
Stay Safe and Wash Hands Often 🧼👏!
Nurse Miriam