McMeen Elementary

BESS Screener Follow-Up

10/07/22, 3:05 PM

Hello McMeen Community!


Earlier this week, I sent out a passive permission form for the school district's Social Emotional Screener - the BESS Screener. This message was intended only for 3rd-5th grade families. I apologize for the confusion. If your student is not in grades 3-5, please disregard my previous message.

In order to address questions I have received from parents responding to that message, please read the following:

What is Mental Health and Wellness Screening?

Universal social and emotional screening provides a systematic way of looking at data within a population, which could be an entire school or an entire grade level. DPS uses the BESS, Behavior and Emotional Screening System.

Why do we administer the BESS?

According to research, social emotional wellness is critical to student academic success. Understanding students' social and emotional experience is as equally important as understanding where a student is academically. Having data from the BESS helps us target support for individuals and groups of students based on their needs.

What is the reason for universal screening?

The purpose of screening all students is to provide a proactive approach to student needs. Data from the screening areas is used to drive decisions and provide students with equal access to interventions and supports. Just as students participate in screenings for vision, physical health, reading, and other academic areas, BESS screening provides an indicator of whether a student’s mental wellness is on track or if there might be a problem. Screening is a proactive approach in that it provides important information to ensure help is provided before little problems become big problems.          

How long will it take and how often do we need to screen students?

Denver Public Schools will be collecting universal screening data 3 times a year (Please check in with your students' school). Student Self Report: 28 questions 10-15mins (Spanish and English); Parent Report: 29 Questions 10 mins (Spanish and English) 

Fall: September 19- October 28th     Winter: January 9- February 10     Spring: April 4- May 5   

As the guardian, can I review the questions prior to my student taking the screener?

Yes. Parents can review the screener with school staff either over the phone or in person. A blank copy can NOT be sent home due to copyright restrictions . 

If a student reports a concern on the BESS, is this a diagnosis?

Identification Is Not Diagnosis. Further assessment is recommended. Only mental health or medical professionals (as determined by each state’s licensing laws) are qualified to make a diagnosis.

Can I opt-out my student from taking the BESS screener?

Yes. You can opt your student out of the screening process at any point throughout the school year. 

What will happen if my student is identified as being at-risk?

If your student reported out at Extremely Elevated using the Student Self-Report, your student’s school will notify you and speak to  next steps in determining the best course of action to support your student. 

Will this be a part of my student’s record? 

No. This will not be a part of your student’s academic record. This screener will inform school teams on how to better support your student and others throughout the school year. 

What will school teams do with the data?  

The goal is to have school teams collaborate together to discuss results at all Tiers of support to inform how they will support the school and students.

If you would like to opt your student out, please reply to this message with your student's name by Tuesday, October, 11.

Thank you!


Lauren Durkin

School Social Worker

McMeen Elementary School