McMeen Elementary

McMeen Elementary Newsletter - September 16, 2022

09/16/22, 4:05 PM






Weekly Happenings

Monday, September 19


Tuesday, September 20


Wednesday, September 21


Thursday, September 22


Friday, September 23

Individual Picture Day - See this flier or visit with the school code (EVTF9R99Q) to order pictures

Upcoming Events

McMeen School Year Calendar


September 29 - Teacher Planning (No School)

September 30 - Teacher Planning (No School)

September 30 - Last Day to Order from the McMeen Store


October 3 - 2nd Grade Denver Health Dental Sealant Program

October 3 - Collaborative School Committee Meeting

October 10 - Parent/Teacher Organization (PTO) Meeting

October 14 - Parent Teacher Conference Comp Day (No School)

 Ways to Get Involved

Parent Teacher Organization

See the info below!

Sponsorship Program

This year, the PTO is offering a sponsorship program to raise funds for new Promethean boards for the classrooms. We are looking for local businesses to support the mission through a monetary donation. Those businesses will receive recognition for their support in various outlets including a banner on Holly St.

McMeen families with businesses that are interested in the program can participate at a reduced requested donation rate. 

If you or someone you know is interested in being a sponsor please email Andrea Lazar at

Recess Volunteers

We would love to start up our recess volunteer program again. The general idea is to provide a time for families to come and volunteer at recess and provide extra supervision. The sincere hope is that this is a fun way to support the school. We have put together a Guide for Playground Volunteers in EnglishSpanish, Arabic, and Farsi that goes over some basics of how to get started. Please email Stacy West if you are interested at


Parking Around the School

Please be conscious of neighborhood driveways as you are parking for student drop off and pick up. We are getting lots of calls and reports of people blocking driveways.

Morning Reminders

As a reminder, the school day starts right at 8:20am. It is for this reason that we close the Kiss-and-Go right at this time. If you arrive after 8:20, you need to walk with your student to the main entry off Holly Street.

Individual Pictures this Friday, September 23rd

Students will take their individual school pictures this upcoming Friday, September 23rd. Please see this flier or visit with the school code (EVTF9R99Q) to order pictures.

Spanish Classes for Kids

The Spanish Learning Network has Spanish Classes for kids. Check them out here.

REMINDER Gifted/Talented Magnet Testing

If you would like you to nominate your student for magnet testing please follow this link and nominate your child to take the COGAT.  The nomination window will close 10/14.  The cognitive assessment will be given at McMeen by me (Jenni Cessar). Only students in 1,3,4, and 5 can be nominated. Kindergarten and 2nd will take the NNAT this fall. If you have any questions, please reach out:


Student Shout Outs    

Mighty Mustangs
  - David (5th Grade), Kameron (3rd Grade), Emmanuel (2nd Grade), Kenia (1st Grade), Zander (1st Grade), Yousif (4th Grade), Jaelin (2nd Grade), Isaiah (2nd Grade), Delaney (1st Grade), and Arianna (2nd Grade).

2nd Grade, Natalie Vaughn - She took on a challenge in math and won her class twenty class points! She recognized a pattern when we skip count by 5's and was challenged to explain her thinking using academic vocabulary! She referenced an anchor chart and was able to work through her explanation! Proud of you, kiddo! - Mrs. Johns

2nd Grade, Skyler Brown - He is such a wonderful helper and student. I have seen him cheering on his friends and classmates when they are faced with something difficult saying things like, "You are so brave you can do it!" - Mrs. Johns

3rd Grade, "Eli" Benjamin Siegle - Eli has been so brave and such a great self advocate for himself! - Nurse Miriam

3rd Grade, Kaige Bigham - Kaige has been tenacious working on classroom expectations. - Mrs. Toney

3rd Grade, Camin Clariday - Camin is new to McMeen and has been using a growth mind set as she has adjusted to our classroom - Mrs. Toney 

2nd Grade, King Smith - he has been incredibly resilient coming back to school after an absence.  Way to go, King! - Ms. Small

5th Grade, Py Chann Greer - He has worked so hard this year and contiues to show up everyday trying his best! - Ms. Jaramillo

5th Grade Donovan Mohatt - Donovan has been working so hard on his academics and being a leader in fifth grade! He's always showing kindness to his classmates and I'm so proud of him! - Ms. Zaleski

3rd Grade, Leonardo Garay - Leo has done such an incredible job in 3rd grade so far this year! He has been participating in class discussions and he is extremely kind and respectful to his classmates. - Ms. Caldwell

4th Grade, Lisandro Bacerra - Lisandro is a consistent source of support to his classmates. He has a lot of creative ideas he likes to share with our community. He is great at modeling expectations and kindly reminding others of the routines in our community. - Mrs. Caitlin

5th Grade, Delilah Lintz - Great attitude in PE! - Coach James

5th Grade, Maryam Al Halabi - Great attitude in PE!  Ready to learn with Growth Mindset! - Coach James

5th Grade, Aaliyah Elias - Great attitude in PE!  Ready to learn with Growth Mindset! - Coach James

5th Grade, Taliyah Hendrix - Great attitude in PE!  Ready to learn with Growth Mindset!  - Coach James

5th Grade, Olivia Hoffman - Great attitude in PE!  Ready to learn with Growth Mindset! - Coach James

5th Grade, Lila Jackson - Great attitude in PE!  Ready to learn with Growth Mindset! - Coach James

5th Grade, Sam (Cassidy) Morganegg - Great attitude in PE!  Ready to learn with Growth Mindset! - Coach James

5th Grade, Noah Garcia - Great attitude in PE!  Ready to learn with Growth Mindset! - Coach James

5th Grade, Chip Potter - Great attitude in PE!  Ready to learn with Growth Mindset! - Coach James

5th Grade, Rebecca Samland - Great attitude in PE!  Ready to learn with Growth Mindset! - Coach James

5th Grade, Zachary Simmons - Great attitude in PE!  Ready to learn with Growth Mindset! - Coach James

ECE, Benjamin Bui-Ghafur - Benjamin always comes to class excited to learn. He is a good friend to his classmates and always sets a great example in the classroom. He loves to add to discussions and ask questions. Great Job Benjamin! - Mr. Hughes

4th Grade, Lyriq Autry - Lyriq has been asking really great questions to better understand the content. She advocates for herself and her needs every day! - Ms. Fitzgerald

5th Grade, Laney Jackson - She is kind and supportive of her classmates. - Ms. Jaramillo

4th Grade, Brody Cole - Brody works hard every day, and he contributes some great ideas to our classroom discussions. He always follows expectations and sets a good example for his classmates! - Ms. Fitzgerald

ECE, Esmeralda Soto Boyer - Esmeralda is a sweet and compassive girl that always is ready to help others. This week during nap time she noticed that one friend in our class had difficulty putting her sheet on the mat and she immediately went to help her to put her sheet. Also, she worries when her classmates feel sick and we take them to our school nurse.  Keep being compassive Esmeralda! - Mrs. Rivera

ECE, Olive Aspnes - Olive  was very brave  and overcame her fear of the drills we have had in our school lately! Now Olive has a good understanding that we need to practice the drills to know what to do in case of an emergency for our safety. We are proud of you Olive! - Mrs. Rivera

Classroom Updates

3rd GradeThe 3rd graders took a field trip to Genesse Mountain with Balarat.  We practiced using our five senses to make observations in nature.  We even got to taste a pine needle!

In math, we are solving story problems, patterns in numbers, measurement and strategies for two digit addition and subtraction.

Our CKLA is taking us on adventures with the Wind and the Willows as well as with Aladdin.  We are learning literary tools, such as themes, perspective, dialogue and personification.  We will start reading Alice in Wonderland this week.  Please look for the take home passages to read with your child.


We will also start our research for Hispanic Heritage Month.

News from McMeen Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)

Sign up for the PTO Newsletter and Updates by clicking on groups at the bottom of the ReachWell app and selecting PTO. Doing so will let you receive the information in your preferred language.

Next PTO Meeting

Monday, October 10th @ 6pm

PTO Meeting  * Link has been corrected! *

* PTO meetings will be held the 2nd Monday of every month via Zoom.



School Store – Open Through September 30th!

Get all your Mustang gear today! The ordering window will be open until September30th.  It will take 2-3 weeks to ship the orders once the ordering window is closed. You will be able to pick up your orders at McMeen.  Please add your child's name as the customer so that we can easily get the orders out once they arrive. To order, use the link below. 

McMeen School Store



Chipotle - Tuesday, October 5th (4pm – 8pm)

Location: 820 S Monaco Pkwy Unit 1b,  Denver CO 80224

Promo Code: 78VJFFY

33% of sales will be donated to the McMeen PTO. 



Chook- Monday & Tuesday, November 7th &  8th

Location: 4340 E 8th Ave, Denver, CO 80220

Promo Code: Mention “McMeen or SCHOOLS20 when ordering online. 

20% of sales will be donated to the McMeen PTO.

Event Committee Volunteers Needed!

  • Social Events
  • Literacy Events
  • Appreciation Events
  • Amazon List Manager


Sign-up through the Sign-Up Genius link below. 

Sign-Up Genius


Don’t have the bandwidth to volunteer but want to help? There are other ways! PTO is always looking for donations to help fund school projects, events, and scholarships. Click on the McMeen Square site to donate. McMeen Square


Resources from DPS

Virtual Multilingual Education Districtwide Advisory Committee 
Wednesday, September 28th, 5:00-6:30PM 

Please join DPS for a virtual Multilingual Education Districtwide Advisory Committee (MLE DAC) meeting on Wednesday, Sept. 28 from 5-6:30 p.m. 

At this session, families will receive important information and resources about: 

  • Multilingual Education Programs & DPS Newcomer Centers.
  • Parent’s Rights & Responsibilities
  • ESSA-Title I Funds
  • Career and College Month Celebration

​​​​​​You can register for this event here!


FACE University 
This website offers resources that DPS community and families can use to access tips, tools, webinars and trainings that help them to support, advocate and engage with their student and their education. All trainings are recorded and closed captioned in Spanish, Arabic, Amharic, French, Mandarin, Nepali, Somali, and Vietnamese.  

McMeen Elementary School

1000 S Holly St Denver, CO 80246 720-424-5520` FAX 720-423-5547