McMeen Elementary

Weekly McMeen Nurse Message

09/08/22, 11:41 AM

Happy Thursday McMeen Families!

   As we are all aware of, it's HOT! For this week's health message, I thought I would highlight ways to help kids, and ourselves, keep as cool as we can and avoid heat-related health issues.

 - Drink a lot of water and then drink some more! Unless you have been otherwise advised by a healthcare provider to limit your water intake, drinking a lot of water can help our bodies manage      temperature and keep cooler. Most of us Coloradans do not drink enough water. Please make sure your student has a water bottle to keep at school.

- Limit layering clothing and wearing clothing made with synthetic fibers. Cotton tee-shirts and shorts are a great option for our students. 

- Limit outdoor activity time from the hours of 10:00am and 4:00pm. If outdoors, stay in the shade and avoid blacktop/asphalt surfaces. 

- When outdoors for a prolonged time, apply sunscreen to exposed skin and reapply as directed by the manufacturer. Remember this tip even in the winter. Sunscreen is recommended here in Colorado all year round.

- Apply a cool compress to the forehead and/or neck to keep cool. This can be as simple as wetting a paper-towel with cold water and placing it on the skin.


Good news, it looks like this weekend is going to be considerably cooler! Take advantage of the cool weather and get outdoors!

Not so good news? It looks like it's going to be hot again next week. Please keep these tips in mind when talking with your children on ways to stay cool. 

Please reach out with any questions or concerns. 

Thank you!

Nurse Miriam
