Teller Elementary School

New CSC Member Applications

04/22/24, 7:02 AM


New CSC Member Applications


Teller Elementary is in search of three parent members for the Collaborative School Committee (CSC) for the 2024-2025/2025-2026 school years.  There are six parent members on the CSC: this year, three of these positions are up for election and three members will remain (serving the second year of their two year term).  We are currently accepting applications to fill the three open positions. We hope you will consider joining us or nominate someone that you think would be a great fit. If more than three applications are received, elections will take place May 6-10.  


Those interested can complete an application form online at the following links:

To view the form in English:

To view the form in Spanish:

To view the form in Arabic:


You may also complete the attached form and drop it off in the school office.  The deadline for applications is Friday May 3, 2024 at 3pm.


The purpose of the Collaborative School Committee (CSC) is to enhance student achievement, engage the school community, provide strategic direction as stated in the Universal Improvement Plan (UIP), ensure compliance with relevant laws and regulations, and bring community and parent voice to the table.  For more information on CSC, please visit 


The CSC is composed of six parents, one PTA representative, no more than five teachers, and one community member.  Members commit to a two-year term.  The primary role of the CSC is to advise the principal on the school's Unified Improvement Plan (UIP) and budget.  Additionally, the CSC provides input on program design changes, school and community engagement, principal evaluation/selection, school schedules and safety and discipline procedures.  The committee typically meets on the first Tuesday of the month from 5-7 pm from September to May.

Attachment: 17135381202751_CSC_Member_Application_1.docx