Reminder: Teller CSC and Community Meetings TOMORROW!
11/11/24, 9:46 AM
On the agenda are updates on 2024-2025 enrollment and budget, a review of the Universal Improvement Plan (UIP), and preliminary discussions regarding 2025-2026 enrollment and budget. All members of the Teller community are invited to attend. There will be a time at the end of the meeting for public input. We ask that everyone attending the meeting read through the Principal’s Report from October 23 prior to the meeting.
The CSC is a group of parents, teachers, and community members who provide feedback and recommendations to the school administration on budget priorities, UIP, program design changes, community feedback as it relates to CSC work, principal feedback as it relates to CSC work, and discipline and safety policies as it relates to the UIP and strategic plan. CSC members want to ensure that all members of the Teller Community feel informed, but that they also have a voice regarding CSC work. Please feel free to reach out to any CSC member with questions or concerns you might have.
Community Meeting - 6:15-7:00, Library
Learn about what's currently going on at Teller. There will be a principal and school update, an update on PTA Fundraising and Budget, discussion of current volunteer opportunities, and an update on Teller Pantry Friends.
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