Teller Elementary School

PRIDE Post: November 21st, 2024

11/21/24, 12:57 PM

1) Thanksgiving Break

Thanksgiving  Break is Monday, November 25th through Friday, November 28th. Teller will be closed on these dates. We will see all students return to Teller on Monday, December 2nd. 

Discovery Link will be holding camps at Bromwell Elementary on November 25th and 26th. If you have access to Discovery Link and would like to register your child, read instructions below:

How to Register for a Break Camp Day:

    • Log in to the SchoolCare Works connect portal
    • Select the teal “Registration” tile
    • Click to View Offerings under 2024-2025 Break Camps
    • Select the teal Enroll button for the break camp(s) you would like your student(s) to attend

If you have any questions about Discovery Link or camp days, please contact


2. A Message from Ms. Gras in ECE

Ms. Gras still has a couple of spots available for Adventure days on Tuesday! Let her know if your child would like to have an adventure! 

    • Monday: Museum of Nature and Science and Zoo
    • Tuesday: Children’s Museum/Botanic Gardens
    • Wednesday: Colorado History Museum/Library/Art Museum

Don’t miss out on this GREAT opportunity!

3. DINE Outs

Thank you all for your continued support at our DINE Out nights! Here are the next two DINE Out opportunities! 

 Shake Shack Cherry Creek 

    • 260 N Josephine St 
    • Wednesday December 4th 
    • 11am-8pm 
    • Mention Donation Day at the register or use code DONATECHICKEN on the app for 25% donated back to Teller! 

Postino 9th+CO

    • 830 Colorado Blvd 
    • Wednesday December 18th 
    • 11am-11pm
    • Mention Teller when ordering or show the flyer and 20% will be donated back to Teller! 

Flyers for both are attached.

4. Minutes from 11/12 CSC Meeting

The Collaborative School Committee (CSC) met on Tuesday November 12.  A summary of the meeting is included here and the Teller Community is invited to read the full minutes.  Please contact CSC Members with questions or feedback.

The next CSC Meeting is currently scheduled for January 14 at 5:00 pm, although this date may change as the district timeline for budget development is released.  The exact date will be announced as soon as it is known.  Teller will be hosting a School Funding Community Meeting on Tuesday December 10 from 6:00-7:30.  The training will be recorded and the recording made available.  This training is a prerequisite for any community member who wishes to attend the January CSC Meeting. The purpose of this community training is to ensure all participants attending the budget meeting have an even, base level of knowledge so that discussion items can be focused on development of a strong recommendation for school year 2025-2026.

As reported in the last meeting, enrollment at Teller during the September count was 481 K-5th, which is 43 students less than the projected enrollment used in budget development in January 2024.  This resulted in a budget deficit of $280,704.  This deficit was balanced by a combination of not filling two Para vacancies, using the carry forward money from last year, a staff roster scrub (verifying all staff members are listed for the correct position and salary), and a $50,000 gift from the PTA.  During the meeting it was reported that the MLE and Literacy Intervention positions had been reduced, but this was inaccurately reported and the positions were not cut.  Human Resources did not allow Teller to reduce these positions by such a small amount.  Current enrollment (as of 11/12/2024) at Teller is 479 K-5th (518 ECE-5th) and a breakdown of class sizes is listed in the minutes.

The three Major Improvement Strategies from the Universal Improvement Plan were reviewed and a progress report towards meeting these goals was provided.  Currently we are on track towards meeting all three goals:  100% of teachers are meeting weekly with their grade level teams to review student data and adjusting instruction appropriately; 100% of teachers are implementing Second Step, Teller’s social emotional learning (SEL) curriculum on a daily basis; and teachers are improving their culturally responsive education systems with teachers currently scoring 5-6 on a 7 point scale as measured in LEAP observations.

As Teller continues to work towards lower class sizes, a class size target was discussed.  Lowering enrollment has the effect of decreasing our budget, which results in the reduction of staff in the building.  Two scenarios were presented including a) keeping class sizes as is and b) targeting 23 students in Kindergarten and 25 students per class first to fifth grade, which would result in adding a few students to classes currently lower than 25.  Each scenario has a corresponding budget impact.  A third scenario was presented which targets 23 students in Kindergarten, 25 students in first to third and 27 students in fourth and fifth.  Budget impacts were not calculated for this scenario.  Given the uncertainty of the impact of the possible Palmer closure and its impacts on Teller’s enrollment, a recommendation was not made, but all committee members provided feedback.  Committee members recognize the value of small class sizes, but also saw the value in having extra staff beyond classroom teachers to help support students and classes.   Mrs. Bates will take this feedback into account when our preliminary projected enrollment is received for the 2025-2026 school year in December 2024 and she has the opportunity to request a different projection.

5. Teller’s First Toy Drive - Community Give Back

Teller is excited to kick off our first annual Toy Drive! From now until Monday, December 16th, we will be collecting gently used or like-new toys to brighten the holiday season for children in need. 

Donations can be dropped off in the designated collection boxes located in the Main Office.

All donations will be going to the Denver Santa Claus Shop located at 2500 East 1st Avenue, Denver, 80206.

Your kindness will help bring smiles to children in our community, and we truly appreciate your support in making this holiday season a little brighter for those in need.

6. Winter Enrichments Start 12/2

All Winer enrichments will start on Monday, December 2nd. Family/parent confirmation emails were sent out last week, if you haven’t received a confirmation email and believe you have a student registered for an enrichment class, please email asap!

7. Celebrate Denver Broncos Day with Food and Nutrition Services

Join Food and Nutrition Services in celebrating the Denver Broncos on Broncos’ Day, Monday, Dec. 2 in your cafeteria! Lunchrooms will serve blue and orange fruits and vegetables, hot dogs, sweet potato fries and chile relleno quiche. Celebrate the day by wearing your blue and orange!

8. Teller Compassion Project Assembly on 12/3

We are thrilled to share that the student leaders for The Teller Compassion Project: Welcoming Newcomer Families are excited to invite all 3rd-5th grade students and teachers to a special assembly in honor of December's Human Rights Month.

Our guest speakers are two sisters who came to the USA from Somalia. This assembly will be an inspiring and engaging opportunity to learn more about different lived experiences, cultures, and the importance of human rights.

All 3rd-5th grade students and teachers will be able to take part in this assembly and they will be able to celebrate the values of Diversity & Inclusion.

9. Teller Middle School Night

Teller Elementary is excited to invite families to our Middle School Night on Tuesday, December 3rd, from 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.

This is a great opportunity to connect with representatives from several local middle schools, including:

    • Manual Middle School
    • GALS 
    • MOREY 
    • The International School of Denver 
    • Lake Middle School 
    • St. John's School 
    • DSST: Cedar Middle School 
    • Montessori Academy of Colorado 
    • Stanley British Primary School 
    • Odyssey 
    • Colorado Academy 
    • Aspen Academy 
    • Graland Country Day School
    • The Denver Waldorf School

At the event, you'll have the chance to ask questions, learn about each school’s curriculum, extracurricular activities, sports programs, and unique offerings. It’s designed to help families navigate the transition to middle school and feel confident about the options available. Whether you're interested in academics, after-school programs, or special focus areas, this evening will provide valuable insights. We look forward to seeing you there!

10. Teller Talent Show Audition Sign Up!

We’re so excited to announce the annual Teller Talent Show will be on Friday, January 10th! 

Auditions will be held on:

    • Monday, December 16th (3:00pm-4:00pm)-6 spots remain
    • Monday, December 16th (4:00pm-5:00pm)- 8 spots remain
    • Tuesday, December 17th (3:00pm-4:00pm)-6 spots remain
    • Tuesday, December 17th (4:00pm-5:00pm)-5 spots remain
    • Thursday, December 19th (3:00pm-4:30pm)-11 spots remain

Here is the form to sign up for an audition spot.

To sign up, complete the form by Tuesday, December 10. Audition blocks are available on a first-come, first-served basis.

The final rehearsal will take place on Thursday, January 9 after school until 5:00 pm and the talent show performance will be on Friday, January 10 from 3:30-5:00 pm.

11. Assessment Binder Update

The next scheduled date for assessment binders was originally on December 19th. However, given that this date occurs just prior to winter break, we have decided to cancel. The next date that assessment binders will be sent home with students is on January 30th.

12. Teller Spirit Week! 

We are so excited to have Teller's first spirit week of the 24/25 school year in December from the 16th until the 20th.

Flyers will be sent home in Thursday folders and dress up days can be found below: 

Here are the dress up days: 

    • Monday: Pajama Day!
    • Tuesday: Color Block Day!
    • Wednesday: Animal Day!
    • Thursday: Fabulous Footwear!
    • Friday: School Spirit!



Sabrina Bates, Principal

Jason Smartt, Assistant Principal

Cheryl Ruiz, Dean of Operations


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Attachment: 17322190436955_POS-31910-4217-Postino_Dine_Out_Do_Good_Flyer-v2_O_5740181_804520_1.pdf