Teller Elementary School

Teller DEN Night Registration Closes Tomorrow!

04/20/23, 9:02 AM

Teller DEN Night Registration Closes Tomorrow!

Teller staff members will be offering a spring DEN (Lock-In Sleepover) Night on Saturday, April 29th. Drop your Teller Tiger off at 5pm on April 29th and pick them up between 7am and 8am on April 30th. Led by Teller's dynamic duo of Treisi Martinez (Ms. Treisi) and Ken Gray (Mr. Gray), your kids will have a fun night playing games and enjoying other fun, age-appropriate activities.

 At the Teller Den Night, your child will be fed dinner and enjoy a whole array of activities including a scavenger hunt/escape room, arts & crafts, movies (age appropriate), and reading stories before settling down to spend the night in the school. You can drop your kiddo off at 5pm on Saturday, April 29th and pick them up between 7am and 8am on Sunday, April 30th. They will get breakfast snacks on Sunday morning as well.

Members of Team Teller are the awesome people caring for your kids all night. There will be one adult per 15 children. Kids will be in small groups based on grade level. They will also have time for fun as one big group, and older siblings will be allowed to tuck in younger siblings if the need arises.

We will have one chaperone identified to help with medical and allergy needs should they arise. You will be able to share relevant information in the information form that will be sent once you purchase the babysitting. 

Parents/guardians can register here. Registration closes on Friday, April 21st.