Dora Moore ECE-8 School

Halloween Details for Tuesday!

10/29/23, 2:36 PM

Halloween Details for Tuesday!

HI DM Families! Below are the details for Tuesday--Please read!

Most classes will be hosting Halloween activities on Monday, October 31st.  This will occur the last hour of the school day (unless otherwise communicated by your child’s teacher), followed by a school-wide costume parade on the playground at 3:30pm.

  • Students are allowed and encouraged to wear costumes to school Tuesday. This cuts out the need (and fiasco!) of every student needing to change in the afternoon, especially with our limited bathrooms.

As a reminder, the following costume rules apply:

1. No fake weapons of any kind (including but not limited to: knives, swords, guns, lasers, lightsabers, etc.)

2. No blood/gore

3. Halloween masks may not  be worn during the school day due to safety concerns, but can be worn during the parade/

4. Shoes must be dress code appropriate

5. General school dress code must be followed.

If a student’s costume is deemed inappropriate, we will contact home for a change of clothes. Please help us to avoid challenging conversations with students about the appropriateness of their costume by adhering to the guidelines above. 

If you have any questions about classroom celebrations, please reach out to your child’s teacher. 


Halloween Parade at 3:30pm

Families are encouraged to come watch our school-wide costume parade at 3:30pm! Classes will follow the map below and will start promptly at 3:30pm. Students will circulate the perimeter of the blacktop and then head back inside through Door #7. Families are asked to line the outside of the blacktop to allow for a walking path for our students! Adults will not be allowed inside after the parade and are expected to pick up students at their usual dismissal location. 

If your student/family does not celebrate Halloween, please let your student's homeroom teacher know! Mr. Lovett is opening up his classroom for students to come down to play games and watch a movie during the Halloween activities at the end of the day. Any and all are welcome to join him!