Weekly Follow Up: 11.1.24
11/03/24, 7:50 PM
Dear DM Families,
We had a blast celebrating Halloween with your students. Thank you to everyone who came to our annual Halloween Costume Parade as well!
Cold weather is coming--Please send your students with a warm coat and hat each and every day moving forward. We go outside everyday that is above 20 degrees and not actively snowing or raining! 🥶
If your student might need a warm winter jacket, please let us know! We have many in our free Community Store and we have access to others as well.
Mr. Janson & Mrs. Watson
Important Dates
- November 5th, 4:10pm - 5:00pm End of Year Parties for 3rd-5th Flag Football & Soccer
- November 6th, 10:30am - 1:15pm 1st Grade Field Trip to Denver Center of Performing Arts
- November 8th, 9:30am - 1:30pm 2nd Grade Field Trip to Butterfly Pavillion
- November 23rd - December 1st, NO School for All DPS Students = Thanksgiving Break
No Parking in Corona Church Parking Lot on Monday & Tuesday--Election Polling Location!
Our wonderful neighbors (who graciously allow our staff and families to use their parking lot!) are an official polling location for the elections on Monday and Tuesday. Please help them and those that are voting by parking elsewhere those days. Thank you!
Attendance Matters--We are focused reducing chronic absenteeism!
'When students are not at school, they not only miss out on valuable learning opportunities for the time they were absent, but they can experience long-term impacts that hinder their development in reading by third grade, achieving in middle school and graduating from high school.
One student’s absence also affects their peers and teacher as classroom instruction includes small group learning activities. For each student who is absent, teachers need to adjust plans, gather materials for make-up work and follow up to get each student caught up. Make-up work does not replace the in-person learning activities that happen daily, and students miss out on important social-emotional development that occurs throughout the school.'
- A student who misses 10% (the equivalent of one to two days per month) or more of the time enrolled in school is considered chronically absent. This includes both excused and unexcused absences, as well as suspensions, and also includes late arrivals and early pick-ups.
- Chronic absenteeism is calculated by the minute - so arriving late and leaving early counts.
Dora Moore's Current Attendance Data:
- Overall Year-to-Date Attendance Rate
- ECE-8th Grade: 88.6%
- ECE: 93%
- Kinder: 84.5%
- 1st: 91.8%
- 2nd: 88.5%
- 3rd: 83.9%
- 4th: 90.1%
- 5th: 91.5%
- 6th: 88.4%
- 7th: 86.2%
- 8th: 88.2%
Our Overall Year-to-Date Attendance Rate Goal for 2024-2025 is 90% through June of 2025.
- Chronic Absenteeism Rate:
- ECE-8th Grade: 40.8%
- This means that nearly 41% of our students (~145 students) have missed more than 10% of the instructional days already.
- ECE-8th Grade: 40.8%
Our overall Chronic Absenteeism Rate Goal for 2024-2025 is 25% or less by June of 2025.
It is our collective responsibility to ensure each student is at school each day!
What Can Parents Do?
There are a few practices parents can implement to help ensure their child is set up for success and attending class.
Communicate with the school every time your child wil be late, leave early or will be absent.
Schedule appointments after school or on days where there are no classes.
Schedule vacations and trips on days when there is no school.
Develop a back-up plan to get your child to school if something comes up.
Make sure your child has healthy habits.
Going to bed on time, getting enough sleep and waking up on time.
Lay out clothes and backpacks the night before.
Keep your child healthy and make sure your child has the required shots.
If your child seems anxious about school, talk to teachers or the school counselor.
Monitor your student's attendance on the Parent Portal.
You can find additional information on steps to take to help set routines that lead to strong attendance from the Attendance Works organization.
There are more resources and information at regarding attendance at the district's website: https://www.dpsk12.org/page/attendance
4th & 5th Grade Electives Change on 11/11
This year, our 4th & 5th Grade classes keep the same Special/Elective class for an entire Trimester. With the first trimester ending on Friday, they will shift to a new elective for Trimester 2 on 11/11. The new electives will be:
Kravets = Music
Randall = Gym
Summer = Art
Next Public Meeting for Cap Hill Parks Redevelopment Processes is at the Grant Humphries Mansion on 11/12
‘Check out the concept designs for Governors' Park & Quality Hill Park at a fall-themed open house event. Meet the design team and project consultants to learn about and share your feedback on the vision for the future of these neighborhood parks. Help celebrate with free hot apple cider and donuts! Download and share the meeting flyer here in English(PDF, 1MB) and Spanish(PDF, 1MB).’
To learn more about this project, visit the website!
WINTER CLOTHING DRIVE for the Dora Moore Community Exchange Store!
Have warm clothes or winter gear that your kids have outgrown? Donate them to the Dora Moore Community Exchange Store!
We are asking for any gently used and cleaned clothing items that are no longer being used by your student, family member or self. We are mostly in need of the following specific donations:
sweaters, hoodies, light jackets
winter coats
snow pants
pants for boys and girls sizes 5 - 13
NEW underwear & socks for boys and girls sizes 5-8
Please bring all donations to the Community Store during staffed hours on Mondays and Thursdays 8:30 - 9:30 & 3:30 - 4:30. If these hours won't work for you drop them off in the designated bins that are marked for the clothing drive near the front entrance of the school.
Thank you for supporting our Community Exchange Store!!!