Reminders for Tomorrow!
08/18/24, 7:20 PM
Dear DM Families!
The first day of school is here!
Here are a few basic reminders for a successful first day.
School Bell Schedule
9:00am Start of School Bell Rings (Doors open, Teachers greet students at line-up spots *See below*)
9:10am Tardy Bell Rings (Doors Close, teachers take attendance in classrooms--Late students buzz in at our main entrance, Door #1).
4:00pm End of School Bell Rings (Doors open, Guardians promptly pick-up student from same spot as morning line-ups)
4:10pm Late students (ECE-5th) are brought to the office and emergency contacts are contacted to pick-up student
What does a student need for each day?
Please support your learner by sending them to school daily with:
Water bottle
Long sleeve layer (our a/c is blasting right now!)
If your student needs any of the above items, we have them available--Please let your student's teacher know.
Optional Considerations:
- Snack (meets our healthy snack policy)
- Sunscreen
- Hat (students are not allowed to wear hats inside, but they are welcomed outside for sun/heat protection!)
Remember, we provide all school supplies needed for the year--Please do not bring school supplies with you in the morning!
In Case You Missed It--ICYMI
Arrival Procedures
Each individual grade-level has a different location and procedure for the start of the school day. No parents are allowed inside the building during morning drop-off except for ECE. See map below for locations of drop-off!
ECE - Enter through Door #16 in front of the flagpole. Parents accompany student to classroom to sign them in each morning.
Kinder - Hand students off at Door #2 in front of the flagpole in the front of the building.
1st - Students line up near the Corona Street playground gate outside of Door #12. Teachers greet students and families at 9:00am on the playground at this spot.
2nd - Students line up on the 4-square courts located in the center of the blacktop on the playground. Teachers greet students and families at 9:00am on the playground at this spot.
3rd - Students line up on the West side basketball court closest to the play structures. Teachers greet students and families at 9:00am on the playground at this spot.
4th & 5th - Students line up on the East side basketball court closest to Downing Street. Teachers greet students and families at 9:00am on the playground at this spot.
6th - 8th - Students enter the building through Door #10 off the playground at the 9:00am bell and head straight upstairs to their homeroom class.
Dismissal Procedures
Each individual grade-level dismisses from the exact same location as morning drop-off. ECE and kinder guardians must sign-out their students while 1st - 5th grade conduct a 1:1 physical high-five handoff. Middle school students are released at the bell and will exit the building via Door #10.
We do not dismiss Kinder-5th grade students to older siblings without written permission from the parent/guardian.
We do not allow Kinder - 5th grade students to walk home alone without written permission from the parent/guardian.
If you have a unique dismissal need, please work with your students homeroom teacher by sending them an email this weekend.
See you soon!
Mr. Janson & Mrs. Watson