Dora Moore ECE-8 School

Weekly Follow Up: 1.31.15

02/02/25, 3:56 PM

Dear DM Families,

Welcome to February! Our weeks are flying by and we are loving the shift in the weather and the slightly later sunsets. Checkout all the events for the week below. 


Mr. Janson & Mrs. Watson

Important Dates

  • February 4th, 10:30pm - 11:15am 1st Grade Share Bears Performance for ECE-8th Grade Students
  • February 6th, 5:30pm - 7:00pm 1st Grade Share Bears Performance for Families & Community Members
  • February 6th, 9:30am - 1:00pm 2nd Grade Field Trip: Denver Museum of Nature and Science
  • February 10th, 100th Day of School!
  • February 11th, 5:30pm - 6:30pm PTSA Meeting at Dora Moore (Room 202A)
  • February 13th, 3:00pm - 4:00pm Valentine's/Kindness Day Parties/Activities *Schedule varies by grade*
  • February 13th, 4:15pm - 7:30pm Spring Conferences *by teacher invitation
  • February 13th, 4:30pm - 5:30pm Multilingual Family Dinner and PAC Meeting--RSVP to
  • February 14th No School for All DPS Students
  • February 17th No School for All DPS Students - President's Day

Dora Moore Middle School Prep League Basketball--SIGN UP TODAY

Registration is open now! We must have enough players signed up to have a team!

Game and practice schedule TBD.

We would like to offer both a boys and girls team this season. It is a bit of a process if this is your first time registering your student with Arbiter. If you’ve already used this system in the past it should be easier to navigate now. I've included a link that is a walk through of the process. I also recommend using their help desk if you have further questions or you can contact Arbiter at 1-800-311-4060 or You can also reach out to Coach Atkinson with your questions.

Registration link

Step by step directions

Help desk

15 Volunteers Needed for WINTER CARNIVAL! Without enough help, we will have to cancel :(
The Dora Moore PTSA is hoping to organize a fun WINTER CARNIVAL at Dora Moore on Thursday, February 20th and we will need a minimum of 30 adult volunteers to be able make it happen! If you are available, please SIGN UP HERE for a one-hour shift as a volunteer OR to donate food and/or beverages! After signing up, a PTSA member will reach out to you with more information regarding planning, purchasing, etc. Unfortunately, if we are unable to secure the minimum number of volunteers, we will reschedule or wait until the spring to hold an event, so please sign up soon if you can!!! Thank you so much!