Weekly Follow Up: 12.6.24
12/08/24, 1:55 PM
Dear DM Families,
Happy December!
Happy Hanukkah!
Happy Winter Solstice!
Happy Kwanzaa!
Merry Christmas!
We love December. There are quite a few things happening in the next two weeks before our Winter Break. Read below to find out more!
Mr. Janson & Mrs. Watson
Important Dates
- December 9th, 4:15pm - 5:00pm End of Season Party Middle School Flag Football in the Gym
- December 11th, 9:45am - 1:30pm ECE Field Trip: Denver Museum of Nature and Science
- December 11th, 5:30pm - 6:30pm December PTSA Meeting Virtual on Zoom
- December 12th, 9:30am - 12:00pm 1st Grade Field Trip: Bluff Lake
- December 12th, 3:30pm - 4:00pm Kindergarten Learning Showcase for T1
- December 12th, 4:30pm - 5:30pm Q2 CSC Meeting (Virtual on Zoom)
- https://us06web.zoom.us/j/7364688412?pwd=Rlg5R2FOdWdDbjVZTzYreWh3dWVBUT09&omn=84832466402
- Meeting ID: 736 468 8412
- Passcode: CRsx3N
- https://us06web.zoom.us/j/7364688412?pwd=Rlg5R2FOdWdDbjVZTzYreWh3dWVBUT09&omn=84832466402
Spirit Week, December 16th - 20th
Monday: Hat Day
Tuesday: Sport/Jersey/Team Day
Wednesday: Grade/Class Color Day *Colors TBD--see below*
Thursday: Dress Up and/or [Ugly] Holiday Sweater Day
Friday: Pajama Day
Still Time To Support a Dora Moore Family
If you are able, please consider supporting one of our families in a time of need by sharing your resources via this link:
Thank You! Dora Moore Recognized for Highest Participation Rate and Highest Growth of Participation for All K-8 Schools in DPS
We have been highlighted and celebrated by DPS for our hard work! Dora Moore had the highest growth improvement in survey completion, increasing the amount of feedback from families from last year to this year.
Thank you to every family that took time to provide feedback to the district and to us as a school. We truly value it and appreciate your time and consideration!
Morey Middle School Open House for Current 5th Graders
Morey Middle School invites you to come learn about our innovative instructional model that focuses on individual academic and emotional growth. Join us December 12th and find out what makes Morey a truly special school in the heart of the city.
Lice Update
We have seen an uptick in lice related cases. Lice is present in all schools all the time, however, when we notice an uptick in cases we want to be sure to raise the awareness for families to be diligent in checking and on how to treat it. Please review the attached Lice Guidance document. If you have any questions, please reach out to our nurse Nora at nora_baran@dpsk12.net.
Calling All Dora Moore Alum!
You are invited to tour your old stomping grounds on December 18th from 2:15 - 3:15. RSVP soon to reserve your spot at doramooreptsa@gmail.com
Drama Day at DSA
We are looking for students in Grades 3-8 who are interested in theatre!
WHAT: Denver School of the Arts Theatre Dept. Annual Drama Day
WHEN: 8:00am-1:00pm on January 11, 2025
WHERE: Denver School of the Arts
7111 Montview Blvd.
Denver, CO 80220
WHY: To expose elementary and middle school aged students from all around Colorado to the power of theatre!
MONOLOGUE COACHING- A place for students to get feedback on their DSA audition pieces, or any other monologue they may have in their book!
DIALECTS- British, Scottish, Italian, dialects galore!
STAGE COMBAT- An intro to the fantastic world of beating people up (on stage of course)!
SONG COACHING- Students can workshopp their singing repertoire! Students should come in with a song prepared :)
MUSICAL THEATRE DANCE- Energetic dance to your favorite broadway bops!
SURVIVING A DANCE AUDITION- A dance masterclass and tips for dance auditions!
HIP HOP DANCE- A fun and high energy dance workshop to clean versions of recent hits!
MAKEUP- how to do fun theatre makeup!
IMPROV- #Improv games 4life!
Registration for Drama Day will begin at 7:30AM followed by five workshop sessions (students choose which workshops they would like to take.) To register- click HERE: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfenNEt2UN5huPBzzP_OEhYFhdzfIaaSkwPVWnAABKgDyYjBQ/viewform
Attachment: 17336913195030_Morey_8.5x11_Flyer
Attachment: 17336913195243_Lice.pdf