Weekly Follow Up: 5.31.24
06/02/24, 8:17 PM
Hi All!
Welcome to the last 2.5 days of school for the 2023-2024 school year.
Check out our last "Weekly Follow Up" of the school year with important information regarding the last few days!
Thanks for a great year!
Abe & Jillian
Upcoming Events
- June 3rd 9:30am - 3:00pm 4th & 5th Grade Field Trip to Denver Botanical Gardens
- June 3rd 11:00am - 12:00pm 1st Grade 'Glow' Party
- June 4th: 9:30am - 10:30am ECE Continuation Ceremonies
- June 4th: 10:30am - 11:30am Kindergarten Continuation Ceremony
- June 4th: 2:00pm - 3:00pm 5th Grade Continuation Ceremony
- June 5th: Half Day on the Last Day of School--Dismissal at 12:30pm for all students!
- June 6th: Construction Projects Begin on the Playground--Closed to the community
Field Day-Thanks Coach A!
Field Day was AWESOME last Monday!
Thanks to Coach A for an incredible day of fun and festivities!
For all volunteers--Thank you as well! We couldn't have done it without you.
If you haven't had a chance, send Coach a note at c_atkinson@dpsk12.net!
Half Day of School on June 5th: Dismissal at 12:30pm for ALL DM Students
Our last day of school for this year is on June 5th. Per DPS calendar, this is a half-day for all DPS students. Dora Moore dismissal time is 12:30pm (3.5 hours earlier than usual).
DPS transportation will be running as usual with a drop-off time that is 3.5 hours earlier than the normal time at each bus stop location.
For students that request one, our cafeteria staff will make and provide a grab-n-go sack lunch to be distributed at the bell. NO classes will be eating lunch at school in the cafeteria on the last day of school
Construction Projects Start on June 6th--Playground Closed
As we anticipated last year, we are finally getting the improvements and deferred maintenance performed on the playground this year--and it starts as soon as June 6th! The Dora Moore field and playground will be closed to the community until the projects are complete in late July and until further notice.
Stock Up for Summer at our Community Resource Store
DORA MOORE COMMUNITY EXCHANGE STORE is open for free food & clothing for all--Come stock up for summer!
The store will be open this week: Tuesday 3:00 - 4:00 and Wednesday 11:30 - 12:30
Need to come a different time next week? Want further assistance?
Contact Josh Konz: joshua_konz@dpsk12.net
Don’t have time? We can help!
Fill out this short Google Form and we will take of it!
Please take advantage of this wonderful resource available to all families!
2.5 Days Left to Pick-up Medications
If your child has medications at school in our nursing office, they need to be picked up by a legal guardian no later than June 5th by 12:30pm from nurse Lauren. According to DPS policy, all medications not picked up prior to 12:30pm on June 5th will be destroyed.
If you have questions about medication pick-up, email or call Nurse Lauren at lauren_bell@dpsk12.net and 720-424-5305.
Maria Droste Counseling Services Available Over The Summer
As many of you know, we have partnered with Maria Droste to have counselors in house at Dora Moore weekly to meet with students. It's been an amazing resource for our community and we are happy to report they are coming back again next year!
Check out a bunch of resources below [attached] regarding services and supports they offer to families over the summer!
Connect with us!
moore.dpsk12.org | Download the ReachWell App
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Attachment: 17173809298100_MDCC_Summer_24_Groups_3.pdf