Day of Details for Today's Annual Thanksgiving Lunch
11/21/24, 9:21 AM
Good Morning!
We are excited to welcome over 200 family members today to join us in sharing a meal!
Details for Today:
- All family members that are joining us for lunch today must enter directly into the cafeteria through Door #13 on Corona Street. This entrance on the West side of the building near the dumpster and recycling bins.
- Families should have RSVP'd earlier this week via our form so we have an accurate count.
- When you check-in at Door #13, please be timely for your grade-level and please know that we will hold each group of adults until the classes come down. At that point, we will have families join their student in line. Each family member must receive and display a visitor sticker while they are on campus.
- To keep an accurate count, family members will be given a ticket. That ticket must be turned into Ms. Amalia at the serving line.
- After eating, family members are welcome to leave or join their student out at recess.
- If staying, all family members are expected to leave after recess and are not allowed to head to classrooms.
- ECE 11:00am - 11:30am
- Kinder 11:15am - 11:45am
- 4th/5th 11:50am - 12:20pm
- 3rd 12:10pm - 12:35pm
- 1st/2nd 12:35pm - 1:00pm
- 6th-8th 1:00pm - 1:20pm
We are looking forward to seeing you soon!