Dora Moore ECE-8 School

THIS Thursday: Whole-School, All-student, All-staff Picture! Wear Dark GREEN!

12/03/24, 8:31 AM

Good Morning Dora Moore Families!

We are celebrating Dora Moore School's 135th birthday in December--we are doing this in two ways!

1. We are taking a whole-school, all-student, all-staff picture on Thursday, December 5th at 11:00am! That's right--we are gathering all 354 students and 50+ staff members for one gigantic and awesome photo. Students and staff should do their best to wear 'dark green' shirts. 

2. We are having a 135th Birthday Celebration on Wednesday, December 18th from 3:15pm - 4:00pm. 


We are looking forward to the fun!


Mr. Janson & Mrs. Watson