Community Engagement Opportunities Regarding Recommendation to Close Dora Moore's Middle School
11/11/24, 5:12 PM
As we work our way through last weeks announcement that Dr. Marrero has made a recommendation to close Dora Moore's middle school and move our school to an ECE-5th grade elementary school for the 2025-2026 school year, we wanted to clarify the opportunities to engage with the DPS School Board and Dr. Marrero regarding this decision.
- Nov. 13th, 2024: DPS Board of Education Engagement at Dora Moore in the Auditorium. The Board of Education will hold engagement meetings and will hold a special public comment meeting at each of the schools recommended for closure.
Students & Families: 8:30-9:30 a.m.
Leaders & Staff: 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
Staff, Families, Community Members: 3-4 p.m.
Special Public Comment: 4:50-6 p.m.
These special public comment sessions will be in person only at the schools that are under consideration, and will be limited to only the school's students, staff, and families. There will be no virtual option. The board will not engage in dialogue with the community during these sessions but will be available for conversations before and after the meeting.
Special public comment will be limited to one hour per school. Those who are signed up will have two minutes to address the Board. Only the person who signed up to speak may address the board. Substitutes are not allowed, and no one is allowed to read comments on behalf of others. Topics will be limited to the school under consideration.
Anyone wishing to address the board will need to sign up in person. Sign-up will be available at the individual school at 3 p.m. the day of the scheduled meeting and will be available until the maximum time of one hour has been reached. There will not be an online sign-up form available.
Nov. 18, 2024: Public Comment @ DPS Board Meeting
- To sign-up, follow this link and scroll to the bottom center of the page and click on the blue button that says "DSTI Public Comment Form". Only individuals who have not previously signed up and spoken to the Board at one of the Special Public Comment meetings at an impacted school will be allowed to sign up to speak at this meeting.
Nov. 20th, 2024 - Superintendent Engagement at Dora Moore in the Auditorium: The Superintendent will hold engagement meetings at each of the schools recommended for closure.
- Time TBD, but most likely in the morning.