Weekly Follow Up: 2.7.15
02/09/25, 1:37 PM
Dear DM Families,
Go Eagles!
Take a look below at all the things happening this week--most notably, Kindness/Valentine's Day activities and no school on 2/14 for all DPS students.
See you on Monday!
Mr. Janson & Mrs. Watson
Important Dates
- February 10th, 100th Day of School!'
- February 11th - 13th 3rd - 8th Grade Interim Assessments in Math & Literacy *Predominantly in the morning, but individual grade schedules vary
- February 11th, 9;15am - 11:30am Denver Children's Museum "Star Lab" visits 1st Grade
- February 11th, 5:30pm - 6:30pm PTSA Meeting at Dora Moore (Room 202A)
- February 13th, 3:00pm - 4:00pm Valentine's/Kindness Day Parties/Activities *Schedule varies by grade*
- February 13th, 4:15pm - 7:30pm Spring Conferences *by teacher invitation
- February 13th, 4:30pm - 5:30pm Multilingual Family Dinner and PAC Meeting--RSVP to michael_lovett@dpsk12.net
- February 14th No School for All DPS Students
- February 17th No School for All DPS Students - President's Day
Registration for Discovery Link Summer Camps Open
Discovery Link offers engaging summer camps for students ages 5–12* at locations across Denver, with select sites providing ECE camps for children ages 3–4.** Camp days are packed with outdoor activities, creative arts, sports, science experiments, field trips, and cultural exploration! Programs are crafted to spark curiosity and develop passions, foster meaningful friendships, and support social-emotional growth. Spaces fill fast, so don’t miss out — get ready for a summer of creativity, exploration, and joy!
Cost (Fee-Based)
One-Time Registration Fee: $50 ($75 for a family)
Daily Tuition: $55
To learn more and register: https://elcs.dpsk12.org/o/equity/page/summer-camps
The Vision Plan for Cap Hill Parks is Complete!
The Reimagine Cap Hill Parks Vision Plan envisions how Governors’ and Quality Hill Parks can cultivate belonging, foster stewardship, uplift urban ecology, and amplify character.
The vision came together through nearly 1,000 community touch points, gathered through pop-up activities, conversations over popsicles, movie nights, online surveys, and open houses. A huge thank you to all of the community members who were a part of this reimagining process!
Check out the highlights and dig deeper into the full vision plan: https://denvergov.org/Government/Agencies-Departments-Offices/Agencies-Departments-Offices-Directory/Parks-Recreation/Planning-Community-Engagement/Park-Facility-Projects/Capitol-Hill-Parks-Projects
The Winter Carnival is a GO!
Come one, come all to the Dora Moore Winter Carnival!
It’s a GO! Join us after school on Thursday, February 20th from 4:15-6:15 PM for games, fun, and FREE dinner!
Please plan to pick up your student(s) by 4PM from their teachers as usual and then head to the front of the building to enter through the lobby as early as 4:15PM.
This is a parent/family chaperoned event--No student is allowed to participate without adult supervision.
If you can donate any baked goods, we would greatly appreciate it!
Please indicate what you can donate by signing up at the bottom of this SIGNUP.
Join Dora Moore at DSA Performance of "The Stories Our Crowns Bear"
In keeping with our annual tradition, please join Dora Moore families in honoring Black History/ Black Futures Month by attending the Denver School of the Arts (DSA) Black History Month performance on Feb. 12th.
The Denver School of the Arts Black History Theatre Company presents a student-written, student-produced, and student-performed original musical story.
The show begins at 7pm. Dinner is at 6pm at the Denver School of the Arts 7111 Montview Blvd.
*The PTSA will be covering the cost and buying theater tickets and the optional dinner for anyone who would like to attend. Please RSVP to Falon Bird birdfamilyacct@gmail.com
February PTSA Meeting on Tuesday (not Wednesday) virtual on Zoom!
Join us for our PTSA meeting on Tuesday, February 11th 5:30 - 6:30 PM on ZOOM.
(Note: on Wed.12th you can join us at the DSA performance for FREE!)
Click here to add this event to your calendar!
See you online at 5:30pm!