Dora Moore ECE-8 School

Annual Grill & Chill Community BBQ on Thursday! T-minus 2 Days

09/19/23, 8:39 PM

Annual Grill & Chill Community BBQ on Thursday! T-minus 2 Days

We are so excited to get our entire school community together to hang out! Please mark you calendars to attend directly after school at 4:00pm!

Dinner is free to everyone and anyone!

Kona Ice will be on the playground for families to purchase on their own if they would like starting at 4:00pm as well!


This is a community event, so invite your friends! Family supervision of all children is required. DM staff will not be 'on-duty' during this event and all families are still expected to pick-up/sign-out students at 4:00pm from teachers. No students will be released and allowed to participate afterschool without being picked up by their guardian.  

As this is a community event, it takes everyone to pitch in! Please sign-up to donate chips, a veggie tray, or dessert! The PTSA is generously providing the hot dogs, buns, condiments, and drinks. Additionally, we need some help! Please consider volunteering your time as well!

Sign-up Here: