Dora Moore ECE-8 School

Remind & Details: Open House and Popsicles on the Playground Tomorrow! 3:30pm - 5:00pm

08/16/23, 6:07 PM

TOMORROW/Thursday: Back to School Open House + Popsicles on the Playground + Meet Your Teacher; YAHOO!

We are combining two events into one--because who has time these days anyways?! This is in hopes that we can get 100% attendance to our event on Thursday!

Here are the details:

Time: 3:30pm - 5:00pm, Open House Format--just drop in when you can or stay the whole time!

Location: Dora Moore, All families must enter through Door #1 [front main entrance in front of flagpoles] and head to students' classroom(s)


  1. Meet teacher, see classroom, each student must get raffle ticket
  2. Exit through Door #7 [main door to playground in the middle of the building by the gym] to the playground
  3. Students use ticket to get a Dora Moore Student T-shirt & Popsicle [we also have popsicles for families and siblings!]
  4. Play, dance, and see your friends!
  5. We will also have some of our community partners available to get families connected - PTSA, Discovery Link Sign-ups, Denver Public Library, etc. 

Middle School (6th-8th Grade) Meet and Greet, Dinner and Open Gym AFTER Open House & Popsicles

If you have a middle schooler, we invite you to leave them with us from 5:00pm - 6:00pm for Chipotle dinner and an open gym hang to meet their teachers,  see their friends, and socialize after a long summer. Middle Schoolers will enter Door #6 off of the playground at 5:00pm. This is a current student event only, no non-middle school siblings or parents. :) 

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