Dora Moore ECE-8 School

Weekly Follow-up: March 17th

03/19/23, 3:00 PM

Upcoming Events

  • March 21st - 23rd: 3rd - 8th Grade CMAS Assessments for Literacy
  • March 25th - April 3rd: NO School for All DPS Students - Spring Break
  • Monday, April 3rd - NO School for All DPS Students

CMAS Starts Tuesday

The Colorado Measures of Academic Success, or CMAS, is the state summative assessment for language arts, math, science and social studies. CMAS is aligned to the state’s rigorous academic standards and designed to gauge how well students are mastering the standards and are prepared for their next grade. 

Our 3rd - 8th grade students will be taking the literacy (ELA) portion of CMAS this week starting on Tuesday. Each session will start promptly after the tardy bell at 9:00am. It is essential your student is present and on-time each and every day! Please help us in preparing your child for CMAS by going to bed on time, eating a healthy breakfast, and arriving at school by 9:00am on testing days. We can't wait to see all of our students show how much they've grown this year!

Changes to After School Care After Spring Break

This original letter was sent to all families who currently utilize our daily after school care program earlier last week. The .pdf is attached and paper copies are also available at the main office. 

March 14th, 2023

Dear Dora Moore Families, 

It is a value of ours to communicate openly and honestly with you about things that affect your student and family’s experience here at Dora Moore. With that being said, we are going to experience a significant change to our current after school enrichment care program. 

In short, at this time we will not be able to offer any daily after school care for our students after Spring Break. 

As many of you know, our full-time before and after school provider pulled out of their contract at the end of July causing us to scramble for options for families this school year. After unsuccessfully asking the district’s Extended Learning and Community Schools department to step-in, we made the decision to provide our own ‘after school enrichment’ to support our families. This program has been graciously run through our current staff. Most notably for this announcement, the after school portion has been run by Ms. Teresa and Ms. Janette since August. Unfortunately, both Ms. Teresa and Ms. Janette have had changes in their personal schedules and neither of them are able to continue providing supervision for the after school program. We are so thankful for their willingness to help us out this way for so long!

Unfortunately, I have been unsuccessful in finding other staff members who have the availability to step in and run this program through the end of the year. I am committed to continually working on other alternatives as I am acutely aware of the need for care options for families and I am sorry that we are not able to continue to provide this option to our families. I understand that under three weeks is not a lot of time to figure out alternative options, but please know I have brought this to your attention as soon as I could. As you are making other arrangements, please remember that the dismissal bell rings at 3:50pm and all students are required to be picked up by 4:00pm.

In summary, the last day of after school enrichment care will be March 24th. If something changes or I am able to find a new option, I will be sure to let you know immediately. 

Our before school enrichment care program remains unaffected and continues to operate as it has been all year. Additionally, we are excited to share that we have already secured and entered into a contract for next year’s before and after school care through DPS’ Discovery Link Program. 

As always, feel free to reach out to me with any questions.

Thank you,

Abe Janson


Colorado Soccer Association First Kick -- Free Clinic on Tuesday, 4:00pm - 5:00pm

Sign-up Required!

The Colorado Soccer Association is going to run a free First Kick Soccer Clinic for 3rd - 5th grade students on Tuesday after school at Dora Moore! 


  • Colorado Soccer Association First Kick
  • Tuesday, March 21st
  • Grades 3-5
  • Dora Moore's Soccer Field

If you are interested in your student participating, you must sign-up via this link before Tuesday!

If you have a younger student, we are trying to solidify a date for another free clinic with the intention of offering a free 6-week soccer clinic/club program in April and May. Stay tuned for more details!

Title I Parent, Student, Teacher, Leader Compact

As a part of our Title I compliance, we are required to share our Title I Parent, Student, Teacher, Leader Compact. 

Additionally, the folder that holds all of our CSC notes and Title I meeting information is always located on our website here:

Quarter 3 Grades Live on Parent Portal

The third quarter of school ended on March 17th. Q3 grades should be live on the Parent Portal this week! If you have any follow up questions from conferences or about grades, please reach out to your students' teachers!

Ramadan Starts on March 22nd

We know Ramadan will begin on Wednesday, March 22nd. If your child is planning to fast and they would benefit from an alternative space during lunch, please contact the main office at 720-424-5300. We are happy to help to accommodate all family requests during this season. 

Lost and Found! 

Please stop by the lost and found anytime between now and Friday, March 24th. We have relocated it to be in the basement hallway on the way to the cafeteria. This provides an opportunity for each and every student to see their belongings each and every day! We have a wide variety of unclaimed items that we hope can find their original owners. All lost and found items will be donated to our 'Dora Moore Community Store' at the end of the day on Friday, March 24th. That's a great segway--See below!

Shop the Dora Moore Community Store for Spring Break!

We are excited to open up the Dora Moore Community Store for all families to "shop" the pantry on Friday. Our goal is to ensure families have the food needed to keep themselves fed during the extended time away from school. 

If you are in need, please come shop the pantry on Friday, March 24th. Anything within the pantry will be available to you!

“Finding ways to support our Community one opportunity at a time.”

  • What is it?

    • We converted an old classroom connected to our lunchroom into a community space that supports the Dora Moore community with lightly used clothing donations including: tops and bottoms in all sizes from ECE to adult, winter hats and gloves, jackets, shoes, and more. We also have a revolving menu of nonperishable food items donated weekly by the Food Bank of the Rockies.

  • Who can use it?

    • Anyone who is connected to our Dora Moore community is welcome to use the store anytime they need it. We know life can get tough, and expensive, so this is a way for us to support members of our community and help lighten the load for families in a way that ultimately supports our students. We wanna help, and this is one small way we have found to be able to do it. 

  • How can I use it?

    • Easy. You can call the main office line to talk with Ms. Patty and arrange for food to be sent home with your student (720-424-5300), OR simply come by the school after 3pm on any school day, and do some shopping before dismissal. Ms Amalia donates her time while waiting to pick up her Dora Moore Eagle at the end of the school day, and is happy to walk anyone through the store to make sure they get all the food and clothing supplies they may need!

Safe2Tell Reminder

After some of the happenings last week in Colorado, DPS is reminding the community about what resources are available for anyone who suspects danger to themselves or others. If you or a student hears of a threat made against another student or the school, this should be reported immediately to a trusted adult, Safe2Tell at 877-542-7233 or online at We are committed to ensuring the safety and well-being of all students and staff.

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Attachment: 16780685045513_Dora_Moore_Community_Store_Flyer.pdf

Attachment: 16792595905006_After_Care_Update_Comms_March_2023.pdf