Dora Moore ECE-8 School


09/09/22, 7:51 AM


Grill and Chill Community BBQ: NEXT WEEK on Sept. 16th

We are so excited to get our entire school community together to hang out! Please mark you calendars to attend directly after school at 4:00pm! Dinner is free to everyone and anyone!

Kona Ice will be on the playground for families to purchase on their own if they would like starting at 5:00pm.


This is a community event, so invite your friends! Family supervision of all children is required. DM staff will not be 'on-duty' during this event and all families are still expected to pick-up/sign-out students at 3:50pm from teachers. 

We NEED YOUR HELP To Pull This Off!

  1. Sign-up here to Donate Food and/or Volunteer!
    1. As this is a community event, it takes everyone to pitch in! Please sign-up to donate chips, condiments, a veggie tray, or drinks! The PTSA is generously providing the hot dogs and buns. Additionally, we need some help! Please consider volunteering your time as well!
  2. RSVP for your family here
    1. RSVPs are not required, but help us to have rough estimate of how many people are attending!

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