Dora Moore ECE-8 School

Weekly Follow-up: March 10th

03/12/23, 8:17 PM

Upcoming Events

  • Wednesday and Thursday, March 15th & 16th - Spring Conferences/Showcases
    • Look for individual details from your teachers!
  • March 21st - 23rd: 3rd - 8th Grade CMAS Assessments for Literacy
  • March 25th - April 3rd: NO School for All DPS Students - Spring Break
  • Monday, April 3rd - NO School for All DPS Students

No Early Dismissal After 3:40pm!

Many families are attempting to pick up their student early, specifically before dismissal between 3:40pm and 3:50pm when the bell rings. 

We will no longer be allowing parents to sign students out within 10 minutes of the bell ringing. Classes are already in transition towards the door and often unable to be located causing a challenging and honestly, quite a frustrating experience for everyone. Please plan accordingly. If you ring the front buzzer to pick-up a student between 3:40pm and 3:50pm our wonderful office staff will kindly ask you to wait at your students normal dismissal location for them when the bell rings. 

Thank you for your support and pro-active planning.

Lost and Found! 

Please stop by the lost and found anytime between now and Friday, March 24th. We have relocated it to be in the basement hallway on the way to the cafeteria. This provides an opportunity for each and every student to see their belongings each and every day! We have a wide variety of unclaimed items that we hope can find their original owners. All lost and found items will be donated to our 'Dora Moore Community Store' at the end of the day on Friday, March 24th. That's a great segway--See below!

Dora Moore Community Store

“Finding ways to support our Community one opportunity at a time.”

  • What is it?

    • We converted an old classroom connected to our lunchroom into a community space that supports the Dora Moore community with lightly used clothing donations including: tops and bottoms in all sizes from ECE to adult, winter hats and gloves, jackets, shoes, and more. We also have a revolving menu of nonperishable food items donated weekly by the Food Bank of the Rockies.

  • Who can use it?

    • Anyone who is connected to our Dora Moore community is welcome to use the store anytime they need it. We know life can get tough, and expensive, so this is a way for us to support members of our community and help lighten the load for families in a way that ultimately supports our students. We wanna help, and this is one small way we have found to be able to do it. 

  • How can I use it?

    • Easy. You can call the main office line to talk with Ms. Patty and arrange for food to be sent home with your student (720-424-5300), OR simply come by the school after 3pm on any school day, and do some shopping before dismissal. Ms Amalia donates her time while waiting to pick up her Dora Moore Eagle at the end of the school day, and is happy to walk anyone through the store to make sure they get all the food and clothing supplies they may need!

Open Gym - Basketball on Tuesdays @ 6:00pm

The Dora Moore PTSA continues to host an open gym on Tuesday nights from 6:00pm - 7:00pm. They'd love for more families and community members to join them! No RSVP needed, just show up!

In Case You Missed It: Summer Connections Sign-Up Is LIVE

Check out our post from earlier this week about how to sign-up for DPS' Summer Connections Summer School program:

Safe2Tell Reminder

After some of the happenings last week in Colorado, DPS is reminding the community about what resources are available for anyone who suspects danger to themselves or others. If you or a student hears of a threat made against another student or the school, this should be reported immediately to a trusted adult, Safe2Tell at 877-542-7233 or online at We are committed to ensuring the safety and well-being of all students and staff.

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Attachment: 16780685045513_Dora_Moore_Community_Store_Flyer.pdf