Dora Moore ECE-8 School

REMINDER: PTSA Meeting Tonight @ 6:00pm

10/12/22, 4:33 PM

PTSA Meeting; Tonight @ 6:00pm

The PTSA meeting will take place tonight from 6:00 - 7:30 in the DM technology room on the 2nd floor. Information on joining virtually is below. This is on the same day as conferences and we'd love for you to join us after meeting with your students teacher. There will be pizza, snacks and childcare!

Sheila Summers, a former DPS parent, has graciously offered to talk to us about her organization, Parent Advocacy for Student Mental Health Needs, and how her organization might be able to help us navigate mental health services for our children. To learn more about her organization's services click here.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 893 1483 0150
Passcode: 749678
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