Denison Montessori

Parent Education Night 4/27 at Denison

04/18/23, 4:46 PM

Good afternoon, Denison Montessori community!  Please save April 27th! for an important parent education night hosted at Denison Montessori in our school library starting at 5:00 p.m. Presenters, Dr. Katie Lohmiller and Halley Gruber from Educational Access Group (EdAG) will return to Denison to offer our community information on brain development and function, the impacts of stress and trauma, and what we can use and consider as caregivers and educators to best support our students. Content will be based on Dr. Bruce Perry's Neurosequential Model in Education (NME) and will be applicable to both new participants and those who attended the February session. 

Childcare and food will be provided, as well as Spanish and Vietnamese interpretation services.  We hope to see you there!