Frontier Academy Elementary Campus

Support Needed for Mr. Riojas

05/16/24, 10:17 AM


All School Communication-Mr. Riojas

May 16, 2024

Dear Frontier Academy Community,

It is with heavy hearts that we reach out to you today. Our beloved member of the Frontier Academy community, Mr. Riojas, has recently been diagnosed with cancer. In this difficult time, we come together as a community to offer our support and strength.

Mr. Riojas has been a dedicated member of our community, touching the lives of many with his kindness and commitment. Now, as he faces this challenging journey, we have the opportunity to stand by his side and offer our assistance.

If you find it within your means, we kindly ask you to consider donating to support Mr. Riojas during this trying time. Your contributions, no matter the size, will make a meaningful difference in his battle against cancer.

Together, let us rally around Mr. Riojas with love, encouragement, and solidarity. Every act of kindness and every donation counts in this fight.

You can donate through this GoFundMe link:

Thank you for your unwavering support.