A Message from our Executive Committee
02/03/25, 7:38 AM
A Message from our Executive Committee
Last week, the Greeley Evans District 6 Board of Education released the attached resolution regarding supporting students and families. The Frontier Academy Executive Committee recognizes that this resolution closely matches the mission and vision of Frontier Academy, particularly regarding our sentiment of "serving our entire community." The Executive Committee is in full support of the resolution and we want to ensure that Frontier Academy remains a safe school for all children to receive a high-quality education. Our procedures for working with immigration officials will closely match what is stated in the resolution.
If you have questions or concerns about any potential implications of these recent actions or the attached resolution, please contact Dr. Seedorf directly (seedorfs@frontieracademy.net).
Attachment: 17383345013463_Resolution_Supporting_Students_and_Families_1_1.pdf