Health Office Information
08/29/24, 1:46 PM
August 29, 2024
K-12 Health Office
A reminder to parents and students: No medication (prescription or over-the-counter) may be carried by a student.
ALL Elementary medications must remain in the health office.
Students in grades 6-12 may only carry medication with the signed consent of parent, doctor, and Claire Damon, RN (school registered nurse).
This includes cough drops, Tylenol, Advil, inhalers, and anything else that could possibly be considered a medication. This is for the safety of everyone, we do not want students sharing or accidentally taking one another’s medication. If your child is ill enough to require any sort of medication at school please feel free to contact the health clerks or registered nurse. The entire health staff is here to help keep your child healthy and able to participate in school.
As we enter the fall season, many viruses will be circulating in the buildings. Please reference the D6 illness exclusion guidelines if you have any questions on whether your child should be at school. This can be found on the Frontier Academy website under Health Services or linked below.
District 6 Illness Exclusion Guidelines