Important Reminder: Winter Illness Guidelines from the School Nurse
01/15/25, 12:24 PM
Dear Frontier Academy Families,
During the winter there are always viruses circulating within the community. If your student has thrown up, had diarrhea, or a fever over 100.4 they need to be kept home for 24 hours. This 24 hours starts from the last time the symptom occurred and does not count if symptoms are being controlled with medication (such as giving Tylenol for a fever).
Please reference the D6 illness exclusion guidelines if you have any questions on whether your child should be at school. This can be found on the Frontier Academy website under Health Services or linked below.
D6 Illness Exclusion Guidelines
Claire Damon, RN BSN
District 6 School Registered Nurse Consultant
Frontier Academy Elementary
Frontier Academy Secondary
Frontier Academy Friday Access