Ricardo Flores Magon Academy

Group Picture Day and Picture Make-Ups Tomorrow - November 16th

11/15/23, 10:04 AM


Dear Parents,
We hope this message finds you well. We would like to inform you that tomorrow, November
16th, is not only Group Picture Day but also an opportunity for picture make-up for those who
may have missed the initial photo session.
Details for Group Picture Day and Picture Make-Ups:
 Date: Tuesday, November 16 th
 Attire: Please ensure your child is dressed in either their school uniform or dressed-up for
both group pictures and make-up.
 Group Picture Location: Gymnasium
 Picture Make-Up Location: Gymnasium
For those who missed the first photo session or would like a retake, the make-up session is a
great chance to ensure your child's school photo is just right.
We kindly request your cooperation to ensure your child arrives at school on time and is ready
for both the group photo and individual make-up shots.
If you have any questions or need further information, feel free to contact Nayeli at
nrodriguez@magonacademy.org or 303-412-7610
Thank you for your cooperation, and we look forward to capturing these special moments

Best regards,
RFMA Administration