Summer Hours and Registration
06/12/24, 1:50 PM
RFMA Community!
We hope you are enjoying your summer. Our school team is working incredibly hard to prepare for our 2024-2025 school year, which I am confident will be our best year ever!
This is just a reminder that we are currently on summer hours until July 15th:
Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
If you need to reach us urgently, please call the front office and leave a message or send an email (located on our staff list on the website) to the correct person.
Lastly, we are filling up quickly. If you have friends, family, neighbors, or anyone looking for a school or would like a tour, please have them reach out ASAP. We are on waiting lists for a number of our classes, and getting registration as soon as possible will be the only way to guarantee a space at RFMA.
Thank you!