10/22/24, 4:38 PM
Dear Parents,
As Halloween approaches, we would love to inform you that students will be allowed to wear their Halloween costumes to school on Halloween. Please note that each class may or may not have their own celebrations or parties, so be sure to check with your child's teacher for details.
Additionally, we’ve attached a couple of flyers for upcoming community events:
- Regis Trick or Treat Street
- Trunk or Treat at Clear Creek Valley Park
We hope to see your children in their costumes and enjoying these fun activities!
Thank you,
Attachment: 17296366902600_Turnk_or_Treat_2024.pdf
Attachment: 17296366904772_trick-or-treat-street-flyer-espanol.pdf
Attachment: 17296366904888_trick-or-treat-street-flyer.pdf