01/29/25, 2:31 PM
RFMA Families,
Please see the following statement and the attached message regarding a change in Community Safety procedures:
Statement of Community Support
Ricardo Flores Magon Academy exists to create the conditions for social liberation and community empowerment through equitable, conscientious, and culturally grounded education inspired by the vision of Ricardo Flores Magón. The administration, staff, and stakeholders of RFMA are unwavering in their commitment to supporting and protecting all community members. We firmly believe that every individual has the fundamental right to safety, education, and the protection of their civil and constitutional rights. We stand in solidarity with all families and affirm their right to belong to our community. Upholding our values, we will tirelessly advocate for and safeguard the dignity and inclusion of every family we serve.
Based upon the current RFMA Policy to ensure that no unauthorized persons enter buildings with wrongful intent, all school visitors shall report to the school office when entering and seek authorization before visiting elsewhere in the building. No individual should be permitted to enter the building without ascertaining whether the individual has a legitimate business or educational purpose.
Regarding Immigration Officials
For purposes of this section, an “Immigration Official” is an employee of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement or an individual acting on behalf of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement and/or on behalf of any other state or federal agency conducting immigration-related activities.
Upon receipt of a request from an Immigration Official for entry into Ricardo Flores Magon Academy or to communicate with any student while that student is under the supervision of RFMA during any school activity or while using RFMA facilities or transportation, all RFMA employees shall immediately forward the request to RFMA General Counsel. In responding to such requests, the RFMA Administrators or General Counsel will not provide access to District property or students unless required by law. They will do everything they can to protect the constitutional and legal rights of RFMA students. Immigration Officials will not be granted access to RFMA property.
Thank you for working with us as we navigate changes. The attached document outlines additional information for changes to the building and its security. We will have a station to provide more information at Parent Teacher Conferences on Friday.
Mr. Dominello
Attachment: 17381862956185_RFMA_LettertoCommunity_1.29