Ricardo Flores Magon Academy

Freshman Success Night @ ECA

04/04/23, 12:15 PM

A message from the Early College of Arvada for 8th grade students - Un mensaje de Early College of Arvada para estudiantes de 8vo grado

"Dear 8th Grade Parents/Guardians,

We would like to invite you to attend our Freshman Success Night, which will be held tomorrow, April 5th at 4:00 PM at The Early College of Arvada. This event is designed to provide you with important information and resources to help your child succeed during their first year of high school.

During the event, you will hear from ECA’s principal Rick Heroff. He will provide valuable information on how to be successful in high school, college and/or certificate programming, as well as the perks of ECA! Light refreshments will also be provided!

We strongly encourage you to attend this event as it is a great opportunity to learn more about our school's community and how we can work together to ensure your child's success. We also encourage you to bring any questions you may have about our school or your child's ECA journey.

If you plan to attend, please RSVP to HYoung@ecarvada.org before tomorrow! Thank you for your continued support and involvement in your child's education.

Haley Young
Enrollment and Recruitment Manager
Hyoung@ecarvada.org | 720-473-4400 "