DSST: Elevate Northeast High School

2/22/24 Elevate Campus Safety Notification

02/22/24, 7:01 PM

Dear DSST: Elevate Families-


This evening, around 5:30 p.m., we were made aware of a threat to our campus made via an anonymous social media post. Upon notification of this post, DSST: Elevate administrators immediately contacted DPS Safety & Security, and were advised to move the few staff and students remaining on campus to the cafeteria, and ultimately worked with them to leave campus safely.


This is the second threat of this nature made in the last 24 hours. While DPS Safety & Security deemed our building safe, threats of this kind are very serious. We ask that you partner with us in ensuring our students understand the seriousness and danger of threats like this.


Tomorrow morning additional DPS Safety & Security team members, as well as members of the DSST operations team, will be on campus to ensure a safe school day.


Should you have any information regarding the anonymous social media post, or questions or concerns regarding this situation - please reach out to the Elevate MS or HS administrative teams. We encourage families to monitor student social media activity and for students and community members to report to us immediately anything suspicious or concerns or contact Safe2Tell at (877) 542-7233.


In partnership,

Briana Mesa & Travonda Favorite

School Directors

DSST: Elevate Northeast Middle & High School