DSST: Elevate Northeast High School

Reminder: Starbucks All.In.Denver Back to School Event

07/28/23, 1:52 PM

Español abajo

Good afternoon Bulldog families,

This a reminder for tomorrows All.In.Denver Back To School Event that will place 9:00am-1:00pm. Our campus has partnered with Starbucks, Target, Safeway, The Home Depot and more to give away backpacks, school supplies, and food to families in our community. During this event there will also be a live DJ, facepainting, games and registration for DSST: Elevate Northeast families. Our event is open to all students and families in the community which means students don't have to attend DSST: Elevate Northeast to be a part of this event. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to me. Looking forward to seeing everyone there!

Thank you,

Jalen Hughes I Community Engagement Manager


DSST: Elevate Northeast High School | DSST: Elevate Northeast Middle School

 What makes DSST special?

Buenas tardes familias Bulldog,

Este es un recordatorio para el evento All.In.Denver Back To School de mañana que tendrá lugar de 9:00 am a 1:00 pm. Nuestro campus se ha asociado con Starbucks, Target, Safeway, The Home Depot y más para regalar mochilas, útiles escolares y alimentos a las familias de nuestra comunidad. Durante este evento también habrá un DJ en vivo, pintura de caras, juegos y registro para DSST: Elevate Northeast familias. Nuestro evento está abierto a todos los estudiantes y familias de la comunidad, lo que significa que los estudiantes no tienen que asistir a DSST: Elevate Northeast para ser parte de este evento. Si tiene alguna pregunta o inquietud, no dude en comunicarse conmigo. Espero verlos a todos allá!

Jalen Hughes I Gerente de participación comunitaria I


DSST: Elevar la escuela secundaria Northeast | DSST: Elevar la escuela secundaria del noreste

¿Qué hace que DSST sea especial?

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