DSST: Elevate Northeast High School

CABPES Summer Opportunities!

05/17/23, 12:09 PM

Dear DSST Elevate NE HS Families, 

I hope this message finds you well. I'm reaching out today to share some summer opportunities that are being offered through the Colorado Association of Black Professional Engineers and Scientists. Opportunities include: 

·       Summer Math Boot Camp

·       Summer Math Quest Challenge

·       Books and Beyond Book Club

·       Comp TIA A+ Computer Certification Course (for high school juniors and seniors only)

Please see the attached flyers for more information, or head to their website to register: https://cabpes.org/summer-programs-2023/ 

Thank you, 

Kelsey Clark 

Director of College Success 

Attachment: 16843469251720_CABPES_summer_2023_programs2a5.pdf

Attachment: 16843469251856_CABPES_CompTia_2023_final32.pdf