DSST: Elevate Northeast High School

Director's Note 3/2

03/02/23, 3:56 PM





Española abajo

Director's Note

Hello Bulldog Families! 

We have made it to the final trimester of the school year! We have almost completed a full school year of being a Bulldog campus family and we couldn’t be more excited. Throughout the past few months, Elevate has become not only a campus for our students but also a hub for our community. We recently hosted a local councilman debate and are looking forward to upcoming financial literacy classes and mayoral forum!!

We would like to send a few important reminders about the safety of our students and families during drop off and pickup. Please follow the previous communicated guidance for traffic flow. Some of our current major concerns are drop offs and pickups on 47th Avenue as well as Joliet Street (high school). It is important that we are following the proper loops designated to ensure that students are able to access the safest route possible into the school building and traffic flows smoothly. 

In honor of Women’s History Month, I would like to share a quote that motivates me as a woman leader and professional in this work of education: 

“Friends. Sisters. Mothers. Professors. When women affirm women, it unlocks our power. It gives us permission to shine brighter.”

— Elaine Welteroth


Ms. Favorite


¡Hola familias de Bulldogs!

¡Hemos llegado al último trimestre del año escolar! Casi hemos completado un año escolar completo de ser una familia del campus de Bulldog y no podríamos estar más emocionados. A lo largo de los últimos meses, Elevate se ha convertido no solo en un campus para nuestros estudiantes, sino también en un centro para nuestra comunidad. ¡Recientemente organizamos un debate de concejales locales y estamos ansiosos por las próximas clases de educación financiera y el foro de alcaldes!

Nos gustaría enviar algunos recordatorios importantes sobre la seguridad de nuestros estudiantes y familias durante la entrega y recogida. Siga la guía comunicada anteriormente para el flujo de tráfico. Algunas de nuestras principales preocupaciones actuales son dejar y recoger a los niños en 47 avenida, así como en Joliet Street (escuela preparatoria). Es importante que sigamos los bucles apropiados designados para garantizar que los estudiantes puedan acceder a la ruta más segura posible hacia el edificio de la escuela y que el tráfico fluya sin problemas.

En honor al Mes de la Historia de la Mujer, quisiera compartir una frase que me motiva como líder femenino y profesional en esta labor de educación:

"Amigos. Hermanas. Madres. Profesores. Cuando las mujeres afirman a las mujeres, desbloquea nuestro poder. Nos da permiso para brillar más”.

—Elaine Welteroth


Srta. Favorite

Middle School Calendar & Events


Spring Clubs Sign Up

March 6th


Parent Teacher Conferences (MS only) LINK to Sign Up

Early Release @ 12:00 pm 

March 10th 


Spring Clubs Start

March 13th 


ANET Testing

March 15th and 16th 


Dress Down Day

March 17th 



Boys Basketball Game

3/8 5:30pm @ DSST: College View (South Building 3111 W Dartmouth Ave. Denver, CO 80236)


Boys Basketball Post Tournament 

3/11 Time, location TBD



High School Calendar & Events


Movie night with Mr. Hart

March 10th (more details coming soon)


Parent Teacher Conferences (HS only) LINK to Sign Up

After School

March 16th 


NO SCHOOL - Parent Teacher Conferences (HS only) LINK to Sign Up

March 17th 



Girls 1st Soccer Practice 

3/6 4:30pm @ Falcon Park



Community Events


English Financial Lit Workshop (1 out of 4) 

Organizing Cash Flow

March 2nd - 5:00-6:00pm 


Spanish Financial Lit Workshop (1 out of 4) 

Organizing Cash Flow

March 7th - 5:00-6:00pm 


English Financial Lit Workshop (2 out of 4) 

Saving for retirement and goals

March 9th - 5:00-6:00pm


Mayoral Forum Hosted by MOC & Transit Exchange in Gym

March 9th - 6:00-8:00pm



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