DSST: Elevate Northeast High School

Director's Note 2.17

02/17/23, 2:41 PM





Española abajo

Director's Note


"Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change that we seek." –Barack Obama 

This week we keep our local schools and communities in our thoughts. As we see an increase in youth violence, it is important that we remember that each one of our students are our futures. Change begins with us. Not only here at Elevate but in our neighborhoods as well. We have emphasized the importance of “seeing something and saying something” at our campus this year but we strongly encourage you to practice this outside of school as well. With the upcoming three day weekend as well as Spring Break approaching, we highly recommend discussing safety with your students and being vigilant on their whereabouts. 

Lastly, as a final reminder, we are at the end of trimester 2. Next week, middle school students will be taking interim assessments and high school students will be taking finals. Please be sure to review early release times and plan accordingly. 

As always, we appreciate your partnership.

Ms. Favorite



"El cambio no vendrá si esperamos a otra persona o en algún otro momento. Somos los que hemos estado esperando. Somos el cambio que buscamos". –Barack Obama

Esta semana mantenemos nuestras escuelas y comunidades locales en nuestros pensamientos. A medida que vemos un aumento en la violencia juvenil, es importante que recordemos que cada uno de nuestros estudiantes es nuestro futuro. El cambio comienza con nosotros. No solo aquí en Elevate sino también en nuestros vecindarios. Hemos enfatizado la importancia de "ver algo y decir algo" en nuestro campus este año, pero le recomendamos que practique esto también fuera de la escuela. Con el próximo fin de semana de tres días y las vacaciones de primavera acercándose, recomendamos hablar sobre seguridad con sus estudiantes y estar atentos a su paradero.

Por último, como recordatorio final, estamos al final del segundo trimestre. La próxima semana, los estudiantes de secundaria tomarán evaluaciones intermedias y los estudiantes de la preparatoria tomarán exámenes finales. Asegúrese de revisar los horarios de salida temprana y planifique en consecuencia.

Como siempre, apreciamos su colaboración.

Srta. Favorite

Middle School Calendar & Events


Winter Clubs End

Friday, February 17th 


Presidents Day - No School 

Monday, February 20th


Spirit Week View Flyer Here

February 21-24


IAs Testing and Early Release @ 11:00am

February 23rd and 24th 


Professional Development Staff - No School

February 27th and 28th



Boys Basketball Game

2/17 4:30pm @ DSST Elevate


Boys Basketball Game

2/22 4:30pm @ DSST Conservatory Green


Boys Basketball Game

2/23 4:30pm @ LOTUS (11001 E Alameda Ave. Aurora, CO  80012)

High School Calendar & Events



Presidents Day - No School 

Monday, February 20th


Tri 2 Finals and Early Release

Wednesday, February 22nd @ 1:30pm 

Thursday, February 23rd @ 1:00pm

Friday, February 24th @ 11:00am 


Professional Development Staff - No School

February 27th and 28th




Boys Basketball Tournament

2/18  8:00am-4:00pm @ DSST: GVR




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